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The Highlander's Time

The Highlander's Time

Titel: The Highlander's Time
Autoren: Belladonna Bordeaux
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but he had to give them a chance to come to a compromise. “Give her time, Kevin. Charlzie is still learning her way. You cannae dismiss the lass for that which is beyond her control.”
    “I'm trying, milord. 'Tis difficult when she cannae make a palatable stew or a loaf of bread. Milady has asked Elspeth to put her to work in the kitchen where she might learn to cook. I pity Elspeth, for Charlzie is hopeless.”
    “You give up too soon, Kevin.”
    “Begging you pardon, milord, but if you had been here to see how she acts, you'd understand she's knows nothing of being a wife. 'Tis an embarrassment to me and my family. ”
    “Have you brought this up with milady?” Iaen clenched his fist at his side. Taking in the refugees asleep on pallets filling the floor, he quietly made his way to the stairs.
    “Nay, milord. She's had enough responsibility leveled on her shoulders. If Charlzie has made an issue of it, she didnae discuss it with me.”
    Iaen heard condemnation ring in Kevin's words. “If you fall into more disharmony come to me.”
    “She's my wife. I'd not have you interfere in our affairs, milord.”
    “She's a member of my clan.” 'Twas the last word he'd speak on the subject tonight. Anxious to see Jenny, Iaen forced himself to measure his steps. “Go home and take some time with your bride. With reassurance, she'll grow into her position.”
    “As you wish, milord.”
    Iaen turned his attention to his chamber and Jenny. Desire infused his system as he finished the climb up the stairs. He regretted having to leave Jenny alone for so long, but there was nay help for it. His father’s promise to Graham was a priority over all others once he was sure the worst of the flooding had passed. He'd stopped into the Keep that night, but Jenny was already fast asleep.
    Recalling the few moments he'd spent gazing at her before he'd headed north, his manhood hardened. She was the image of innocence and a temptation. Her climax was a moment of open abandon and he yearned to feel it, see it, and experience it, again. Her dutiful nature now stood above approach.
    He'd made the right choice when initially confronted with taking one of the women for his wife. Jenny had met a bar set high by the clan and overcome many obstacles in a short period of time.
    Pushing open the door to his chamber, a small smile lifted the corners of his lips. She sat in the chair by the fire, her eyes closed. Mary, the youngest orphan in the clan, lay against Jenny's chest, her downy-haired head tucked beneath his lady's chin. A sense of contentment swelled in his chest.
    Iaen heard a door open at the far end of the balcony. “I'll take Mary to her cradle,” Patricia said once she'd joined him. “Milady has taken a fancy to her. Lady Jenny has been very kind to take on the additional responsibility of caring for Mary during the wee hours especially since Mary started teething. I swear, milord, she's paced afore the hearth so many a night that she's carried the bairn the length of the world and back.”
    “Thank you, Patricia.” Iaen watched Jenny stir slightly when Patricia took Mary from her arms. “Is this an appropriate way for a lady to welcome her husband home?” he teased once Jenny woke.
    He offered her his hand when she moved to rise to her diminutive height. Letting her call the tune, he held his impatience in check through sheer force of will. His chauces grew tight as she pressed her body to his, and molded her soft curves to his strong, tense one. Pleasantly surprised when she wrapped her arm around his waist, he watched her tip her face to his. He caressed a path up her back to cup her skull. She reached up at the same time he dipped his head.
    Kissing her deeply, he licked the corner of her lips, begging entry. She relented on a sigh. He plundered her mouth until they were both gasping with need. Searching her face with his gaze, he saw a few signs of weariness, but she appeared to have faired his lengthy absence with little damage. “I've missed you, lass.”
    “I know.” She brushed her unbound hair away from her face. “I've missed you, too.”
    He laughed at her response. He took her lips in another deep kiss leaving her with nay doubt of what was going to happen in their bed tonight. Lusting for her, he longed for her sweet body wrapped around his. “Undress for me.”
    Iaen sat in the chair and stretched out his legs. Propping one ankle on the other, he folded his arms across his chest. He waited for her
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