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The Last Dark: The climax of the entire Thomas Covenant Chronicles (Last Chronicles of Thomas Cove)

The Last Dark: The climax of the entire Thomas Covenant Chronicles (Last Chronicles of Thomas Cove)

Titel: The Last Dark: The climax of the entire Thomas Covenant Chronicles (Last Chronicles of Thomas Cove) Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Stephen R. Donaldson
Vom Netzwerk:
Thomas Covenant
    Baradakas: a Hirebrand of Soaring Woodhelven
    Bargas Slit: a gap through the Last Hills from the Center Plains to Garroting Deep
    Bareisle: an island off the coast of
    Basila: a scout in Berek Halfhand’s army
    Benj, the Lady: a woman Favored by the
    Berek Halfhand: Heartthew, Lord-Fatherer; first of the Old Lords
slain by the Clave
    Bhanoryl: a Ranyhyn; mount of Galt
    Bhapa: a Cord of the Ramen, Sahah’s half-brother; companion of Linden Avery
: a people met by the wandering Giants, residents of
on the verge of the Great Desert
: the city of the
Harbor: the port of the
: the land of the
    Birinair: a Hirebrand, Hearthrall of Lord’s Keep
    Bloodguard, the:
, a people living in the Westron Mountains; the defenders of the Lords
    Bluff Stoutgirth: a Giant; Anchormaster of Dire’s Vessel
    bone-sculpting: ancient Ramen craft, marrowmeld
    Borillar: a Hirebrand and Hearthrall of Lord’s Keep
    Bornin: a
; a Master of the Land
    Brabha: a Ranyhyn; mount of Korik
    Branl: a
; a Master of the Land; one of the Humbled
    Brannil: man of Stonemight Woodhelven
    Brinn: a leader of the
; protector of Thomas Covenant; later Guardian of the One Tree
    Brow Gnarlfist: a Giant, father of the First of the Search
: Giantish ordeal of grief by fire
    Cable Seadreamer: a Giant, brother of Honninscrave; member of the Search; possessed of the Earth-Sight
    Cabledarm: a Giant; one of the Swordmainnir
    Caer-Caveral: Forestal of Andelain; formerly Hile Troy
    Caerroil Wildwood: Forestal of Garroting Deep
    Caerwood ur-Mahrtiir: a Forestal; formerly Manethrall Mahrtiir
: a rent in the fabric of time; a Fall
    Cail: a
; protector of Linden Avery
    Caitiffin: a captain of the armed forces of
    Callindrill: a Lord, husband of Faer
    Callowwail, the River: stream arising from
    Canrik: a
; a Master of the Land
    Cavewights: evil creatures existing under Mount Thunder
    Cav-Morin Fernhold: former Forestal of Morinmoss
    Ceer: one of the
    Celebration of Spring, the: the Dance of the Wraiths of Andelain on the dark of the moon in the middle of spring
    Center Plains, the: a region of the Land
    Centerpith Barrens: a region in the Center Plains
    Cerrin: a Bloodguard, assigned to Lord Shetra
    Chant: one of the
    Char: a Cord of the Ramen, Sahah’s brother
    Chatelaine, the: courtiers of the
    Chosen, the: title given to Linden Avery
    Chosen-son: Giantish name for Jeremiah
    Circle of Elders: Stonedown leaders
    Cirrus Kindwind: a Giant; one of the Swordmainnir
, the: demesne of the
    Clang: a Courser
    Clangor: a Courser
    Clash: a Courser
    Clave, the: group which wields the Sunbane and rules the Land
: adhesive leather
    Close, the: the Council-chamber of Lord’s Keep
    Clyme: a
; a Master of the Land; one of the Humbled
: The Grieve; former home of the Giants in Seareach
    Colossus of the Fall, the: ancient stone figure guarding the Upper Land
    Consecear Redoin: a region north of the Soulsease River
    Cord: Ramen second rank
    Cording: Ramen ceremony of becoming a Cord
    Corimini: Eldest of the Loresraat
    Corrupt, the:
name for themselves; also the soft ones
    Corruption: Bloodguard/
name for Lord Foul
    Council of Lords, the: protectors of the Land
    Courser: a beast made by the Clave using the Sunbane
    Cravenhaw: a region between Garroting Deep and the Southron Waste
    Creator, the: maker of the Earth
    Croft: Graveler of Crystal Stonedown
    Crowl: a Bloodguard
, the: mysterious creatures which grant power through bargains, living off their hosts
    Crystal Stonedown: home of Hollian
    Currier: a Ramen rank
    Damelon Giantfriend: son of Berek Halfhand, second High Lord of the Old Lords
    Damelon’s Door: door of lore which when opened permits passage through the Audience Hall of Earthroot under
    Dance of the Wraiths, the: the Celebration of Spring
    Dancers of the Sea, the:
; suspected to be the offspring of the
Kastenessen and his mortal lover
    Daphin: one of the
    Dast: a
; a Master of the Land
    Dawngreeter: highest sail on the foremast of a Giantship
    Dead, the: spectres of those who have died
    Deaththane: title given to High Lord Elena by the Ramen
    Defiles Course, the: river in the Lower

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