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The Last Dark: The climax of the entire Thomas Covenant Chronicles (Last Chronicles of Thomas Cove)

The Last Dark: The climax of the entire Thomas Covenant Chronicles (Last Chronicles of Thomas Cove)

Titel: The Last Dark: The climax of the entire Thomas Covenant Chronicles (Last Chronicles of Thomas Cove) Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Stephen R. Donaldson
Vom Netzwerk:
    Demimage: a sorcerer of Vidik Amar
    Demondim, the: creatures created by Viles; creators of ur-viles and Waynhim
    Demondim-spawn: another name for ur-viles and Waynhim; also another name for Vain
    Desolation, the: era of ruin in the Land after the Ritual of Desecration
    Despiser, the: Lord Foul
    Despite: evil; name given to the Despiser’s nature and effects
: “to brave the enemy,” a Waynhim
    Dhorehold of the Dark: Forestal of Grimmerdhore
: a Waynhim
: a Waynhim
: a Waynhim
: Giantish liquor
    Diassomer Mininderain: in myth, a woman betrayed by Lord Foul and imprisoned in the Earth as punishment
    Din: a Courser
    Dire’s Vessel: Giantship used by the Swordmainnir to convey Longwrath
    Doar: a Bloodguard
    Dohn: a Manethrall of the Ramen
    Dolewind, the: wind blowing to the Soulbiter
    Doom’s Retreat: a gap in the Southron Range between the South Plains and Doriendor Corishev
    Doriendor Corishev: an ancient city; seat of the King against whom Berek Halfhand rebelled
: a Waynhim
    Drinishok: Sword-Elder of the Loresraat
    Drinny: a Ranyhyn, foal of Hynaril; mount of Lord Mhoram
: a Giantship
    Drool Rockworm: a Cavewight, leader of the Cavewights; finder of the Illearth Stone
: “victim,” Waynhim name
    Dura Fairflank: a mustang, Thomas Covenant’s mount
    Durance, the: a barrier Appointed by the
; a prison for both Kastenessen and the
: a Waynhim
    During Stonedown: village destroyed by the
; home of Hamako
: one of the Seven Words
    Durris: a
    EarthBlood: concentrated fluid Earthpower, only known to exist under
Skyweir; source of the Power of Command
    Earthfriend: title first given to Berek Halfhand
    Earthpower: natural power of all life; the source of all organic power in the Land
    Earthroot: lake under
    Earthrootstair: stairway down to the lake of Earthroot under
    Earth-Sight: Giantish power to perceive distant dangers and needs
    eftmound: gathering place for the
    eh-Brand: one who can use wood to read the Sunbane
: home of the
    Elena: daughter of Lena and Thomas Covenant; later High Lord
    Elohim , the: a mystic people encountered by the wandering Giants
: a gathering of the
    Emacrimma’s Maw: a region in the Center Plains
    Emereau Vrai: Kastenessen’s mortal lover, now victim to She Who Must Not Be Named
    Enemy: Lord Foul’s term of reference for the Creator
    Eoman: a unit of the Warward of Lord’s Keep, twenty warriors and a Warhaft
    Eoward: twenty Eoman plus a Haft
    Epemin: a soldier in Berek Halfhand’s army, tenth Eoman, second Eoward
    Esmer: tormented son of Cail and the Dancers of the Sea
    Etch Furledsail: a Giant (woman); crew aboard Dire’s Vessel
    Exalt Widenedworld: a Giant; youngest son of Soar Gladbirth and Sablehair Foamheart; later called Lostson and Longwrath
    fael Befylam
: serpent-form of the
    Faer: wife of Lord Callindrill
name for a
    Fangs: the Teeth of the Render; Ramen name for the Demondim
    Fangthane the Render: Ramen name for Lord Foul
    Far Horizoneyes: a Giant (woman); crew aboard Dire’s Vessel
    Far Woodhelven: a village of the Land
    Father of Horses, the:
, legendary sire of the Ranyhyn
    Favored, the: courtesans of the
    Feroce, the: denizens of Sarangrave Flat, worshippers of the lurker, descended from the
    Filigree: a Giant; another name for Sablehair Foamheart
    Findail: one of the
; the Appointed
    Fields of Richloam: a region in the Center Plains
    Fire-Lions: living fire-flow of Mount Thunder
    fire-stones: graveling
    First Betrayer: Clave-name for Berek Halfhand
    First Circinate: first level of the Sandhold
    First Haft: third-in-command of the Warward
    First Mark: Bloodguard commander
    First of the Search, the: leader of the Giants who follow the Earth-Sight; Gossamer Glowlimn
    First Ward of Kevin’s Lore: primary cache of knowledge left by High Lord Kevin
    First Woodhelven: banyan tree village between Revelstone and Andelain; first Woodhelven created by Sunder and Hollian
    Fleshharrower: a Giant-Raver, Jehannum,
belonging to Honninscrave and Seadreamer
    Fole: a
    Foodfendhall: eating-hall and galley aboard a Giantship
    Forbidding: a wall of power
    Forestal: a protector of the remnants of the One Forest
    Fostil: a man of Mithil Stonedown; father

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