The Last Stand: Custer, Sitting Bull, and the Battle of the Little Big Horn
akicita (police)
and bands of Lakota
and Battle of Killdeer Mountain
at Battle of Little Bighorn
and Custer’s brass band
important members of
Sitting Bull as leader of
village of
Indian agencies. See also specific agencies
Indian country
Indian reservations
Indian scouts. See also specific scouts; specific tribes
Inkpaduta (Santee Sioux chief)
interracial unions
Iron Hawk (Hunkpapa Lakota)
Jackson, Billy (Pikuni scout)
Johnson, Benjamin
John Stands in Timber (Cheyenne)
Jordan, John
Joseph Horn Cloud
Julia Face (Brulé Lakota)
Jumping Bull (Sitting Bull’s brother)
Kanipe, Daniel
Kate Bighead (Cheyenne)
Kellogg, Mark
Keogh, Myles
at Battle of Little Bighorn
as Custer’s senior officer
description of
friendship with Libbie
horse of
Kicking Bear (Oglala Lakota)
Kill Eagle (Blackfeet Lakota)
Korn, Gustave
Ku Klux Klan
and “Battle in the Dark,”
and Battle of Killdeer Mountain
at Battle of Little Bighorn
and Black Hills
burial grounds of
camped at Little Bighorn
children at boarding schools
and Custer
desiring peace
different bands of
facing white soldiers
and Grouard
history/culture of
nomadic lifestyle of
opinion of whites
outnumbering soldiers at Battle of Little Bighorn
Parkman’s description of
and reservations
and scouts
and sun dance
U.S. Army attacks
vast village of
and victory
and warfare strategy
warriors of
and water
weapons used by
whites’ expansion into territory of
see also other tribes
Lame White Man (Cheyenne)
LaPointe, Ernie
Last Stand
Last Stand Hill
Left Hand (Arapaho)
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Lincoln, Abraham
Little Bighorn River
and the battle
and Lakota/Cheyenne villages
Little Bighorn Valley
Little Big Man (Oglala Lakota)
Little Big Man (film)
Little Bird (Cheyenne)
Little Brave (Arikara scout)
Little Face (Crow scout)
Little Hawk (Cheyenne)
Little Missouri River
Little Soldier (Hunkpapa Lakota)
Little Wolf (Cheyenne)
Lone Man (Hunkpapa policeman)
Lone Tepee
Long Road (Sans Arc Lakota)
Lord, George
Lorentz, George
Lounsberry. A.
Low Dog (Oglala Lakota)
Lynch, Dennis
McCaskey, William
McCormick, Samuel
McCurry, Joseph
McDougall, Thomas
McGuire, John
McIntosh, Donald
McLaughlin, James
McVay, John
Madden, Michael
Maguire, Edward
Mahoney, John
Battle of the Rosebud
Battle of the Washita
Benteen’s swing left
General Terry’s plan
Last Stand
march of the Dakota Column
march of the Montana Column to the Little Bighorn
march of the Seventh Cavalry
march to the Divide
Northern Plains and Kansas, with detail of Custer in the Black Hills
Peter Thompson’s walkabout
Reno’s scout
river of nightmares
siege, day
Sitting Bull’s village
into the valley
valley fight
to Weir Peak and back
Marsh, Grant
and Libbie Custer
and massacre of Custer’s battalion
and Seventh Cavalry
Terry’s faith in
trips on the Missouri
trips on Yellowstone River
turning boat into hospital
Martin, John
Martini, Giovanni, see Martin, John
Mathey, Edward
Mechling, Henry
Medicine Arrow
Medicine Tail Coulee
Medicine Water Lake
Melville, Herman
Meyer, William
Miles, Nelson
Mills, Anson
Minneconjou Lakota
Missouri River
and forts
geography of
and Indians
and riverboats
trips on
Mizpah Creek
Monahsetah (Cheyenne)
Monroe, Michigan
Montana Column
Moore, Orlando
Morris, William
Moving Robe Woman (Hunkpapa Lakota)
Moylan, Myles
mule pack trains
and Crook
guarding of
and McDougall’s B Company
mishaps with
and transport of supplies
My Life on the Plains (George Custer)
Native culture
Native police
Native religious movement
Neihardt, John
Newell, Daniel
New Rumley, Ohio
New York Herald
Noisy Walking (Cheyenne)
No Neck (Hunkpapa Lakota)
North American Indians , The (Curtis)
North Dakota
Nugent, William
officers’ wives, see women: married to officers
Oglala Lakota
agency for
and Battle of Little Bighorn
at Chicago World’s Fair
leaders of
Parkman’s observations of
village of
warriors of
O’Hara, Miles
O’Kelly, James
One Bull (Sitting Bull’s nephew)
One Feather (Arikara scout)
O’Neill, Thomas
Oregon Trail , The (Parkman)
Osage scouts
pack trains, see mule pack trains
Parker, Ely
Parkman, Francis
Paulding, Holmes
Petring, Henry
Pickett, George
Pigford, Edward
Pine Ridge Reservation
Porter, Henry
Porter, James
Powder River
Powder River encampment
press, the. See
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