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The Mysteries of Brambly Hollow

The Mysteries of Brambly Hollow

Titel: The Mysteries of Brambly Hollow
Autoren: Alison Cronin
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accepting that she was being dismissed, Meli asked to use the toilet before making the trek home. In the bathroom, she couldn’t help but notice that there was every indication that Bill still lived here, as there were several mens toiletries spaced out on the shelves, and two well-used tooth brushes growing from a tumbler like exotic splayed blooms. She had been wondering whether he lived here or two doors up. She did feel sorry for Mrs. Barber. No wonder she sometimes seemed so down. Having a husband so openly having an affair must be awful, especially for someone so much in the public eye. She also strongly suspected that Mrs. Barber still had strong, if not loving feelings for Bill. She found herself thinking affectionately about Cal.

Chapter 24

    Tabby was standing on the living room windowsill when Meli arrived home, rubbing herself against the window, deliberately annoying Quassi who was alternating between trying to bite her through the glass, or send her flying from her perch with his paws. “You are a tease,” she rebuked the cat as she picked her up and ruffled her head. She was beginning to feel a bit plumper now, as Meli had taken to feeding her. Meli had it in mind, that provided Quassi accepted her, Tabby would move in, regardless of the joint objections already raised by Cal and Cassie in anticipation of this; they wouldn’t have any say in the matter. If not, then she could continue to live on the farm, as there were plenty of places to keep warm and dry, but she would be welcome to continue to dine with them.
    Replacing the cat, and shooting Quassi a warning look through the glass, Meli headed for the door. With some nifty footwork, she successfully prevented Quassi from rushing past her.
    “Hi Cass. Thought you’d be gone by now,” she greeted her daughter, who was sitting on the sofa, thumbing through a magazine.
    “Dean’s off today, so he’s coming over here,” Cassie told her as she turned the page. “I’m glad you’re back.” How sweet thought Meli. “Maybe that pesky mutt will be quiet now.” So much for daughterly love.
    Almost instantly, there was a knock on the door. Hurling the magazine carelessly in the direction of the coffee table, unaware, or uncaring that it skidded across the dusty surface and somersaulted onto the carpet, Cass bounced to her feet, and raced away to greet Dean. Meli clearly heard the sound of kissing echoing down the passage.
    “Hello, Mrs. Noble,” Dean greeted with one of his broad smiles when they entered the living room, having managed to escape each others clutches. “How are you? How’re the masks coming?”
    What a nice, polite boy. None of her own brood ever thought to enquire after her well being or how her career was going. “I’m fine, thank you for asking, and the masks are in the final stages now. Soon I’ll be out of work again.” She made the comment lightly, but it was true, and it was worrying. She’d not had any further offers of work, which she acknowledged was partly her fault. With everything that had been going on, she hadn’t exactly put herself out. Still, that was one of the drawbacks of being self employed.
    “Would you kids like a cup of tea and something to eat?” It wasn’t too much additional effort to make lunch for three as for one; provided they didn’t mind sandwiches, and didn’t stuff them down the sides of the sofa or anywhere. She smiled ruefully, she was beginning to see the funny side of it now herself. The two teenagers nodded, and settled on the sofa, Dean wrapping his arm affectionately around her daughter. He was showing her the cover of the DVD he’d brought round for them to watch.
    “There’s a choice of cheese or ham,” she called to them from the kitchen.
    “I’ll have the cheese.” Meli could have guessed that for Cass.
    “Me too, cheese is fine,” Dean told her across Cass’s head of auburn hair.
    “Do you want anything with it? Pickle, tomato ketchup, or I think there’s some pickled onions.” Scanning the fridge, she couldn’t detect the latter. “Sorry, seems we haven’t got any pickled onions after all.” Glancing at Dean she couldn’t help but notice that he’d turned a vivid shade of sea-sick green around the gills.
    “Are you all right?” she asked.
    “Cheese, just plain cheese for me,” Dean told her. Noticing the peculiar way Meli was regarding him, he added ruefully. “Sorry, but I’ve got an aversion to pickled onions. Mum used to force me to eat
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