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The Night Beat

The Night Beat

Titel: The Night Beat Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: authors_sort
Vom Netzwerk:
who’s gone commando all these centuries.”
    “It’s not funny.” He nudged the bag with a paw. “What are these things?”
    “No idea. At all. But we’re going to go where I hope someone can figure them out.”
    “Enforcement Headquarters?”
    “Despite your needing an official, itchy, werewolf uniform, no. I don’t think we’ll find who we need there.”
    “Sanctuary Center?”
    “Much as I’d like the comfort of seeing Jude, no. I think we’re going to be there soon enough. No, we need those beings who live to figure things out.”
    Ralph heaved the big canine sigh. “And we couldn’t get there by going through Necropolis?”
    “No. I think we need to get there through the Estates.”
    “Vic, that’s crazy. The minions are running the Estates. Us sliding to the University from there means any one of them could get these things from us. You know, whatever these things are.”
    I hit my wrist-com. “Monty.”
    “Here Vic. What’s up? Where are you and Ralph? Why did you run off like a rabid dog?”
    “Only the canine side of the undead house gets to make the dog-jokes in times of great stress and danger, Monty.”
    “Sorry. What’s going on?”
    “I need Dirt Corps, in a very real and very immediate way.”
    Monty and Ralph spoke together. “Why?”
    “Because we’re going to war.”

Chapter 65
    “You’re kidding,” Monty said. He sounded like he wasn’t totally sure, either way.
    “Sort of yes, sort of no. I really want the other side to think we’re going to war, how about that?”
    “And you talk about me grandstanding,” Ralph muttered.
    “Thanks to Sexy Cindy and your impressiveness from the other day, I now think of it as you being heroic and brave and all that.”
    “I’ll take it.”
    “I would,” Monty agreed. “But, Vic, while Dirt Corps always lies ready, do you think the minions are going to believe we’re going to war if they show up with you?”
    “I think the minions are very clear on the idea of ‘cannon fodder’. Let them raise their evil dead to stop our good guys, okay? Seriously, I have a plan.”
    “Not that I know what it is,” Ralph mentioned.
    “I need to run this by the Count.”
    “Monty, we don’t have time. The Count loves how I think on my paws. Just do it, okay? I need Dirt Corps to go to the Estates. They’re cover for us to get to the University.”
    “Why don’t you just go through Necropolis?”
    “You know, I asked that, too,” Ralph said. “I still don’t know why, and I’m in the car with her. All things considered, could you send some kind of backup? I’m not feeling confident we’re going to survive the drive, let alone any kind of fight.”
    “You wound me.”
    “No, I realize why Wagner always drove.” Ralph yelped. “I think we’re supposed to avoid hitting things like fire hydrants.”
    “I didn’t hit it.”
    “Only by the grace of the Gods and Monsters.”
    “I think I liked you better when you just made sad puppy eyes at me.”
    “I’ll keep it in mind.”
    Monty coughed. “Are we through? Can I go now? Or do I have to listen to you two catch up on two centuries worth of romantic banter?”
    “And here I always thought you had romance in your soul.”
    “Vic, if you want to go ancient lich, I’m your being. However, I have an army to raise and all that jazz.”
    “Fine, fine. Keep in touch.” My wrist-com went quiet. “We’re being followed, you know. That’s why I’m taking a circuitous route.”
    “You mean that’s why you’re flinging us around corners in a pattern that makes no sense to any being, alive or undead?”
    “I really liked you better when you were completely undercover and pining. You talked smack a lot less.”
    “This from the queen of smack talk.”
    “Flattery will get you everywhere.”
    “Really? Hasn’t worked for two hundred years.”
    “Bitter much?”
    “No. Honestly, I’m worried.”
    “I have a plan.”
    “Vic, so do they. I promise you that. And their plan centers on you. On the plus side, they don’t want you dusted.”
    “On the not plus side, they want you dusted with extreme prejudice.” My stomach clenched. “Ralph, really, why? I mean, why do they want you specifically dead? Is it that you’re the only werewolf left who refused to bow down to the fear?”
    “Some of it’s that, I’m sure. But I was listening, even while I was getting beaten up. They’re really afraid of you mating.”
    “Then why didn’t they try to dust

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