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The Night Beat

The Night Beat

Titel: The Night Beat Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
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chance, considering who you were dating at the time.” I’d been dating Ken, point of fact, and I could see how a human would look at him and figure any girl who was with a guy that suave, sophisticated, handsome and charming wouldn’t be looking to trade in any way. “Then I got you as my partner and knew I didn’t have any chance at all.”
    “Because you knew I was a werewolf?”
    “Because I knew you were a good cop and good cops don’t get romantically involved with their partners.”
    “I guess we’re both bad cops, now.” I tried to feel guilty about it and didn’t manage it. Probably because Jack was nuzzling my hair.
    “No. Per the Chief, these things happen.” He hugged me tightly. “It’s going to get ugly fast, isn’t it?”
    “Yeah, it is.”
    “I just want you to know that I can handle it. I’m sure there are going to be things I’ve never imagined coming at us, but you’re still my partner, no matter what. And partners back each other up.”
    “You’re the best partner I’ve ever had, Jack. And I’ve had a lot. Our Enforcement team is great. We’ll all manage.” I hoped.
    Of course, I’d been wrong before. But even the Count said I needed to let that one go. I still hadn’t, but maybe someday.
    My wrist-com went live. “Vic, it’s Monty. Guess where I am?”
    “At the cemetery with Ralph?”
    “You’re so good with guessing games.”
    “Yeah, it’s one of my gifts. Jack and I are headed to City Hospital. Keep me posted.”
    “Will do.”
    Jack opened the closet door. “I know. Romantic moment over. Time to roll.”

Chapter 16
    We drove to City Hospital like good human cops -- seatbelted and not snuggled. I reminded myself that Jack could be killed by a car crash and snuggling was best left for the privacy of one of our apartments.
    My virtue was flying high by the time we got into ICU. I wondered about Darlene’s concept of the term “pull through”, though, because none of our six injured looked good. I wasn’t a medical professional, but unless they converted to an undead way of life, they weren’t leaving the hospital any time soon.
    I dutifully sniffed each one of them. Well, I sniffed one of them, gagged and barfed into a nearby wastebasket, and then tried again. Supposedly they’d been cleaned off, but you couldn’t prove it by my nose. The cop we were with was covered with Slimy innard goo, blood -- his own and the others’ -- and something else.
    “Sulfur.” I sniffed again and managed to control the gag reflex. “Dung.”
    “Dung makes you barf?” Jack sounded worried.
    “This dung, yeah. It’s Depths of Hell Dung. Special designer scent.”
    “Can’t wait.”
    “You can’t really smell it. Thank Yahweh, or whoever you’re into, for that one.”
    “From what you said, I’ve been with Yahweh, so I’ll give him the thanks, in a big way. You’re green.”
    “Bet I get greener.”
    We moved on, but it was the same in each room. By the time I got to the sixth one there was nothing in my stomach so my gagging under a semblance of control. I knew I’d be hungry, but not as long as I was near any of these people.
    Jack rubbed the back of his neck. “What does it mean?”
    “Well, I’m not sure yet.” I sighed. “We need an exorcist.”
    “They’re possessed?” Jack’s gun was out of his shoulder holster faster than I could blink. I controlled the impulse to crawl to him on my belly.
    “I’m not sure. I don’t think they are now. But I think they were.” There was nothing for it. When it came to this kind of stuff, you really did have to call in the best. I called the Count. “I need Martin.”
    “You’re sure? You know how he hates to be called out for nothing.”
    I snorted. “In my experience he likes to be called out for a routine blessing, let alone to verify demonic possession.”
    “I think he pretends.”
    “I think you’re stalling. Where is Martin that you don’t want to send him here?”
    “At the Prosaic City National Cemetery.”
    So not good. “So, who called you that didn’t call me?”
    “None of your team. Routine daytime patrols spotted some oddities. They investigated, called in, and Martin and H.P. agreed it should be investigated.”
    “Can he leave? I really think we need an expert here.” I gave the patient we were with another look. She didn’t look like an evil demon was about to burst forth from her being, but then again, I wasn’t an exorcist.
    “I’ll request it.” The Count

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