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The Night Beat

The Night Beat

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changed. Either Ken’s lost it, which I doubt, or the two strongest souls in that alley are now on our side. I want them with me so I can use them to spot the Prince or his minions or whatever it is that’s wandering around my cities right now.”
    “Not to sound argumentative, but why do you think they’ll be able to help?”
    I sighed. I hated having to give this answer, but it was the truth. “I just feel that they will be.”
    “Ah, fine. Never let us argue with werewolf instincts or feminine intuition. I’d like to suggest you and Detective Wagner get some sleep first, however.”
    “No argument. Have them ready to go at dusk. Call if you need us sooner.”
    I switched off the wrist-com to see Jack gaping at me. “You want the bum and the hooker? Sorry, the new zombie and succubus? And you also think we have time to nap?”
    “Just because all Hell’s trying to break loose doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take care of yourself.”
    “Words to live by,” Jack muttered.
    “Well, let’s hope.”

Chapter 19
    We waited until Martin’s angelic escorts returned and confirmed that, sure enough, Tomio had wandered in to see how the others were doing. He’d been allowed to, without much fuss. Martin called in some additional angels for support and Jack and I left them to do their exorcisms.
    “Can’t be standard operating procedure for the hospital to let Tomio go in to visit every room,” Jack said as we headed back to the car.
    “Be happy he only visited the six who were involved. But, yeah, I’m sure he used influence.”
    “I’m betting you don’t mean that word the way I’d think.”
    “Right. Influence in this sense would be like, oh, similar to what Ken used on you to keep you from realizing what was going on at the start of all this excitement. Only, the Prince and his minions use it differently. It’s just a nudge, usually.”
    “A nudge to do what?”
    “To do what they want.”
    “Didn’t Ken make me do what he wanted?”
    “Yes, but it took more effort than influence.” I tried to think about how to explain it. “It’s like…you’re the nurse on the floor. A patient comes out of his room. He’s recovered, he’s nice and friendly, he seems genuinely concerned about these other patients. He wants to see them to reassure himself they’re going to be okay, give them the old encouraging words, and so on. The nurse knows she isn’t supposed to let him. Influence shoves just a little bit, so the nurse says, sure, okay, go ahead, what can it hurt? In her mind, she never felt the influence and she’s made the decision herself.”
    “Okay.” Jack was quiet while we got in and he started the car up. “But, couldn’t vampires do that, too? I mean, isn’t that really what Ken did with me?”
    “Well, let’s think about that. We were in the middle of a danger situation. Would a gentle nudge have worked? How much shoving would someone have had to do in order to convince you that you didn’t want to get involved?”
    “Where are we headed? And, yeah, okay, a lot. So influence is used when it can be more, what, subtle?”
    “Yeah, that’s a good word for it.” I thought about it. Well, no time like the present. “Um, your place or mine?”
    Jack grinned. “I thought you’d never ask.” He shrugged. “Where will you feel the most comfortable?”
    I thanked the Gods and Monsters for the seatbelt. He made me want to roll and whine without even trying. I really hoped this wasn’t going to end disastrously. “Well, my place has the convenience of an easy slide in and out of Necropolis.”
    “Let’s go there, then. By the way, Ken warned me about sliding, but it wasn’t hard at all. But I can’t see Necropolis now, even though I’ve been trying to.”
    “Be thankful. It’s hard to see both at once. I tend to focus on wherever I’m really supposed to be at any given time, it’s easier.”
    “But if you wanted to, you could see Necropolis now?”
    “Yeah.” I knew what request was coming.
    “Where are we, in Necropolis?”
    Happily, by now we were near my apartment. “We’re in Enforcement Housing. Dammit!” I slammed my eyes shut.
    “What? What’s wrong?”
    “Nothing. We just drove through a phalanx of beings. But not really.”
    “Huh? There’s no one here.”
    “In Prosaic City, it’s still early morning and only the trash guys are out, yes. In Necropolis, the Day Shifters are coming on duty. There are tons of beings out and about.”

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