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The Night Beat

The Night Beat

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fortunately looked ahead before I glared at Ralph. We were at the Prosaic Country Club and Estates. But we weren’t going to be able to get in.
    There was a wall of flame around the entire perimeter. I could tell because Jack was slowly driving past it. “Can everyone see that?” I asked. I could just make out the Little Church in the distance -- the flames were obstructing my view extremely well.
    “I see signs saying that entry’s forbidden,” Jack said. “But I think I see something else, like…fire?”
    “Yes,” Ralph said. “It’s Hellfire.” He was growling. Not that I could blame him.
    “I see it, too,” Sexy Cindy said.
    “I as well,” Freddy confirmed. “But, how and why?”
    I thought about it while we drove around in a big, winding, sort of circle. “How is simple. Abaddon and Apollyon are together. Hellfire’s the least of what they can bring to any party. Hitler’s got to be with them -- the barriers Jack can see, and I can see if I focus, are warlock-created for sure. To keep humans out,” I added before anyone could ask.
    “Why would they want that?” Sexy Cindy asked. “I thought they wanted to take over.”
    “They do. But they don’t need all the humans to do that.” I was worried they already had all they needed in place and on the human plane. “Why is the real question.”
    “What’s going on is the bigger question,” Jack said.
    “Creating more dupes, creating a living zombie army, gathering hostages, mind-controlling people via the televised feed, the usual evil minion ploys,” Ralph said. “What’s going on is simple -- something we don’t want. Vic’s right, why is the real question.” His nose was still near my ear.
    I shoved his muzzle away gently and got the sad puppy eyes. I did my best to ignore them. “I’ve got a reason for why, but I don’t like it.”
    “Is there a possibility for a reason we’d actually like?” Jack asked. “Spill it, Vic.”
    I took a deep breath. “The Hellfire’s there to keep us out, since we can’t safely pass through it. You could,” I said to Jack. “But only if you couldn’t see the Hellfire. You can see that there’s something else there, so it’ll hurt or kill you to pass through. Same for us. Demons and Golem can pass through, but the rest of us need more equipment than we have with us.” I remembered all our stuff back in the unmarked car. We needed to get back there.
    “Is that the entire answer?” Jack asked shortly.
    “No. Head for the OLOC. I want to dump this car and get our usual one.”
    He muttered something under his breath but did as asked. “So? Why the Hellfire and why are we leaving?”
    “They knew we were coming. That’s why the Hellfire’s up. Whatever they’re doing, they don’t want us disturbing it.”
    “How could they know we were headed here?” Sexy Cindy asked. “We didn’t know until you said it.”
    “I know.” I sighed. “I think we have a mole.”

Chapter 45
    Ralph broke the silence first. “Who do you suspect?”
    “Not sure.”
    “You’re lying. You have a guess. I can tell.”
    I glared at his nose, which was back to being right near my ear. “How so?”
    He moved so we were eye-to-eye and gave me a look that said I was a moron. “You, like every other being, smell different when you lie.”
    Duh. Couldn’t argue with a werewolf nose. “Fine. I hate what I’m going to say.” The words dragged out of my mouth. “Monty’s the most obvious choice. He knew where we were going, he controls Dead Corps, he’s been undead for centuries.”
    “You have no proof,” Freddy said, sounding upset. I couldn’t blame him. I didn’t want to consider Monty an enemy. The mere idea hurt too much.
    “True. Just supposition. But we need to be careful and hyper-aware of what we say to and around him.”
    “Could be someone else,” Ralph said. “Anyone could have been in the room with Monty, after all.”
    “Yes, which is why it’s supposition right now and we’re not making an arrest.”
    “That’s ridiculous,” Ralph argued. “Monty’s in a huge position of trust. Clyde and the Count would never have let him get to that position if he were a double-agent.”
    “See, the thing is -- if you’re a good double-agent, that’s the whole point. That you look just like you should to the side you’re infiltrating.” After all, I knew we had beings in deep cover -- why wouldn’t the Prince have the same? Frankly, why wouldn’t the Prince have

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