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The Night Beat

The Night Beat

Titel: The Night Beat Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
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Vom Netzwerk:
    “Or what they really were,” Merc added. “And, the Gods and Monsters know we spent our own time hiding things, too. Darling, I know you like him, I mean, I have working eyes, what’s not to drool over, right? But….”
    “Something’s off,” L.K. finished for him. “In fact, it’s off enough that we’re coming back, once we get rid of your perp.”
    “Guys, really, you’re not trained. And I think we’re going up against all the big minions.”
    “And you’re going up against them with someone backing you we both feel is hiding something,” Merc said. “It’s decided. We’ll be back.”
    “Now,” L.K. said briskly. “Who are we taking in?”
    How they’d missed Nero I couldn’t figure. I sighed and looked around -- and resisted the urge to curse impressively. “Are you kidding me? Jack! Where in the depths of Hell is Nero?”
    We all looked. Sure enough, the little weasel was gone.

Chapter 51
    Ralph and I both sniffed the air. “He’s heading up the hill,” Ralph called as he took off.
    “Follow that werewolf!” I shouted.
    Jack ran for the S-Class. “The keys are gone!”
    Oh, right. I had them. I was about to say so, when Merc grabbed me. “Come on, we’ll take the Bus.”
    L.K. floated into the bus and opened the door for those of us still corporeally challenged. “Our weapons are in the trunk,” I said as Merc shoved me in. He rolled his eyes and went to the back of the bus.
    The others were behind me so I sort of had to get on board. The Bus was nice. L.K. hadn’t had it this plush in his day, but Merc had seen plenty before he left the human plane, and it was all here. They even had a hot tub. Not that I felt now was an appropriate time to try it out.
    “Full bar?” Sexy Cindy asked as she looked around and headed for one of the more plush and comfy Captain’s chairs. “We get to drink as undeads?”
    I coughed. “I do.”
    “Why don’t I?” She was back to defensive.
    I shrugged. “Succubae don’t…eat or drink.”
    “Say what ?”
    “Now probably isn’t the time,” Jack said as the Bus lurched and he fell onto a couch. “Vic, sit down.”
    I would have, and almost had no choice as Freddy flew past me and, thankfully, landed in another Captain’s chair. But Merc wasn’t in the Bus, and L.K. was peeling out like he’s been a NASCAR driver, not a rock star.
    One of the benefits of going from two feet to four feet on a regular basis was that your balance became exceptionally good. I was able to maneuver to the back of the bus without too much issue.
    To see the S-Class flying along behind us. Backwards.
    As I gaped, Merc floated in next to me.
    “How --?”
    “We have a towing cable. Not all undeads are without their own transportation, you know.” He grinned at my expression while I wondered if I looked as dumb as I felt. “I love the ability to shock anyone in Necropolis Enforcement. It’s a good day.”
    “It’s probably not going to stay that way.”
    He shrugged as we made our way up front. He leaned down when he reached Sexy Cindy. “They tell you that wraiths, ghosts, succubae and our related undead brethren can’t eat or drink. They lie, pretty baby…they lie. We don’t need to eat, but we sure can still enjoy it -- if properly prepared.”
    Sexy Cindy shot me a dirty look. “Hey, I just go by what they tell me,” I said. They could eat? Really? This particular case was full of fun, new, interesting facts. I found myself wishing I could go to sleep and process even one of them. I moved my mind off how many hours I’d been awake and considered the benefits of tossing some chow down my gullet before I keeled over.
    Merc seemed to read my mind. He opened the impressive fridge and tossed me an entire ham. “Enjoy.” He handed Sexy Cindy and Freddy something, too, but I was too busy wolfing to pay a lot of attention. “I have nothing a human can eat,” he said to Jack. “Sorry.” Merc didn’t sound sorry, but I chose not to mention it.
    “Not a problem,” Jack said. “I snagged a snack while Nero was giving me the full-on home tour. That should be grounds for arrest, right there.”
    “Huh.” Merc looked back at me. “Ralph need a meal?”
    “I have no idea, but I’d figure it couldn’t hurt.” Werewolves needed to eat a lot and even if Ralph had pigged out at the hospital, which I doubted, it had been too long and we’d been too active, him in particular.
    Merc nodded and grabbed another ham. “He

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