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The Night Beat

The Night Beat

Titel: The Night Beat Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
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Vom Netzwerk:
exactly in the Agent’s Handbook.
    “The suns’ light will be blocked. Meaning that we can have vampiric help.”
    That was a good thing. “Sadly, though, that means any turned vampire they have can show up, too.”
    “All are called to serve in the great war,” L.K. said quietly.
    “Yeah, I know, per you, no one gets out of here alive.”
    “But many have and can still enjoy a vibrant afterlife,” Merc said. “If we don’t panic, that is.”
    It was odd getting calming platitudes from one of the gods of rock, but I let any comebacks pass. “I’m not panicking. I’m managing my stress in a commanding manner.”
    “Wow, you really must have done well on the verbal tests,” L.K. said. “Don’t worry, babe. It’ll all work out. It’s not time for everything to end yet.”
    “Glad you feel so confident.” I looked around. Jack had a bulletproof vest on. Sure, it was made for humans and human bullets, but I had to hope it was going to work. The others could go to mist -- I heard Merc giving Sexy Cindy a fast lecture on how -- and Freddy, being a zombie, was reasonably safe as long as they weren’t shooting rock salt at him. “Freddy, put on a vest.”
    He did as asked. “Victoria, if I may, what is your plan?”
    “I have no plan other than storming in and shooting things. I don’t know what they’re doing, but spells of this magnitude can be disrupted by the tiniest things. I’m hoping we can all disrupt in more than a tiny way.”
    “But, if you’re right and we’re facing Hitler, then he’s going to be thinking in a military fashion.” Freddy looked around. “You know….”
    I waited, but he didn’t add on anything to that. “I know what? Right now, I don’t feel all that knowing.”
    That was it. Apparently when he was under duress, Freddy went monosyllabic.
    “Yes? Tanks? We have the Tour Bus.”
    “There are all these cars here.” Freddy walked towards the nearest. “And this is the Estates. ‘Safe enough to leave your keys in the car.’ I wonder….” He pulled on the door handle and the driver’s door opened. “Sure enough.”
    “Wow, people are really easily influenced. And, seriously, did you just memorize their advertising?”
    Freddy shook his head. “I told you, Jerry quoted it. Not just these lines, every line about the Estates.”
    A thought crawled up from the back of my mind. “Merc, L.K.”
    They came over. “Nice car,” Merc said. “We borrowing?”
    “Yeah, I think so, credit Freddy with our becoming a tank unit.”
    “I see lots of big ones,” L.K. said. “Several Hummers and similar.”
    “We’ll take those if we can. But I want you both to listen to Freddy recite every bit of Estates advertising propaganda he can remember.”
    All three of them spoke as one. “Why?”
    I headed off for the nearest Hummer. “Because I think they’re part of Hitler’s spell.” And while they weren’t warlocks, they were both musicians and undead proof that the right lyrics had magic in them.
    Sexy Cindy caught up with me. “You want each of us driving?”
    I considered. “If we can, yeah. Ralph needs to ride with someone, though.”
    “I’ll take him with me,” she offered.
    I almost said no, that I wanted him with Jack. But reality reared its head. Jack was a trained policeman, and Sexy Cindy wasn’t. “Sounds good. Ralph!”
    He raced over. “You want me to go in first?”
    “Bad dog. No, I want you to ride with Cindy.”
    He glared. “Why is that?”
    I opened the Hummer. Nice, keys were in it. How in the world anyone in the Estates kept a car longer than five minutes was beyond me, but I had a suspicion it was because this place was under a heavy spell we’d all missed for far too long. “I want you with Cindy because she’s new and I don’t want my only trained Enforcer shot down in the first wave.”
    “You’re in charge.” Ralph and Cindy trotted off towards another humongous SUV. I hoped she could reach the pedals, but figured if she couldn’t, Ralph could do the highly trained pet thing and push them for her.
    Jack grabbed me and pulled me into his arms. “Be careful.”
    I leaned against his shoulder. “I’ll do my best.”
    He kissed me. It was deep and urgent and far more arousing than the situation should have allowed. “You’re mine, I’m yours, no one in between -- right?”
    “Promise me. No matter what happens, we’re together forever.” He looked worried and possessive and very

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