kisses into the crook of her neck. Even now, the memory caused the same shiver of seduction.
Kasey’s tears still fell, but not as often. Now her loss seemed more of a dull ache, not so fresh and pink.
Huge raindrops splattered against the metal roof and dotted the sidewalk. She opened the front door, and Dutch ran outside to greet her. He panted and pranced from paw to paw, his tail whacking the front door.
“Calm down, old boy.” Thunder clapped in the distance. Dutch ran back into the living room. He hated storms. She rolled her luggage into the foyer just as the wind sucked the front door closed with a slam.
“It’s okay, Dutch,” Kasey consoled the dog. He looked bigger than she remembered, and grayer. “Did you miss me?”
She walked into the kitchen and flipped on the light. A huge stack of mail cluttered the edge of the counter.
Mostly junk, I bet.
She tucked the phone under her chin and dialed Riley. “I’m back,” she said as she sorted through the mail.
Riley squealed. “I’ve missed you like crazy. How’s it feel to be back home.”
“Good,” she admitted.
“Did you meet the new farm manager?”
Kasey looked out the window toward the barn. “No, and I didn’t see a truck out back. He must be gone for the day.”
“Maybe. He’s working out great.”
“Thank you so much for hiring him for me. I wouldn’t have known what to ask or where to start.”
Riley said, “Don’t thank me. That was all Von. I bet Dutch was happy to see you.”
“You better believe it. He about knocked me over when I came in.”
“I’ll probably do the same thing when I see you. Be ready.”
“Thanks for the warning.” Kasey laughed.
“Why don’t you come over for dinner tomorrow and fill us in?”
“Sounds good.” It was weird to have no schedule. No calendar to check. Kasey hung up and carried the mail into the living room.
The rugged maleness of Nick filled the space. Being away must have been healing, because it was easier now to be around his and Jake’s things. More comforting than painful to touch them, to be close to them.
Nick’s cell phone lay on the end table where she’d left it. Kasey had kept the account open just so she could hear him on his voice mail. She dialed it, and listened: “Hey now. This is Nick. You just missed me, but leave a message and I’ll get right back to ya. You can count on it. Later. Bye.”
Short and to the point. Good thing, too, because every time she listened to it, she held her breath. If the message went on any longer, she might pass out.
There were several new voice mails. She held the cell phone to her chest. It was true. You couldn’t hide from grief. All she’d done was postpone it.
Kasey took a deep breath, then went back to flipping through the mail. She tossed the trash into one pile and made a ‘keeper’ pile that was much smaller. She caught herself in mid-toss, looking at an envelope that stood out from the rest. It wasn’t a slick window envelope and wasn’t metered bulk mail.
The return address was Emporia, Virginia. Handwritten addresses, not in a scrolling script but in a man’s rushed scribble.
She ran a manicured nail under the edge of the flap and pulled out the letter.
Chapter Fourteen
Kasey read the letter twice. She recognized the name of the sender. Riley had taken down messages while she was away, and his name was among the callers. He hadn’t specified what he wanted, so Kasey hadn’t returned his calls. The letter was as cryptic as the phone messages. Chaz Huckaby wanted Nick to call him.
She picked up the phone and punched in the long distance number. The call was long overdue.
“Huckaby, can I help ya?” the man answered with a southern twang.
“Um, hello. Is this Chaz Huckaby?”
“It is indeed,” he replied with enough energy to charge a battery.
“I’m returning your call, and responding to a letter you sent my husband. I’m married to Nick Rolly. You’ve left a couple of messages for him.” She stalled, not wanting to get to the part where she had to say the words—that Nick was gone.
“Oh, uh...yeah. Just need him to give me a ring, princess.” His voice held a rasp of excitement.
“Yes.” She cleared her throat. “About that. Mr. Huckaby, he won’t be returning that call. He…” The words caught in her throat.
“It’s Kasey, right?”
How does he know my name?
“Yes. How did you know?”
“Nick talks about you all the time. Is he
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