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Titel: THE PERFECT TEN (Boxed Set) Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Dianna Love , Sandy Blair , Misty Evans , Adrienne Giordano , Mary Buckham , Alexa Grace , Tonya Kappes , Nancy Naigle , Norah Wilson , Micah Caida
Vom Netzwerk:
    That memory was still so sharp. “Oh, yeah. You got that right.”
    “It does look just like my car.” He put his arm around her shoulder and gave her a friendly squeeze. “Thanks. That was thoughtful. I love it.”
    “I’m glad.” She casually leaned against the island. “I hope you love it so much that I’m off the hook for any cooking assignments. I warned you—my talents lie elsewhere.” She scrunched her face.
    “You’re off duty.” He pulled a bar stool next to the counter and patted the seat. “Here you go. The best guest seat in the house.”
    She hopped up on the chair, happy to follow the order.
    He poured two glasses of wine, then chopped and sliced. Kasey sipped wine and watched him move around the kitchen like a Top Chef . She picked up a magazine featuring do-it-yourself projects from the counter and flipped through it as they talked.
    Kasey held the magazine up in front of her. “You must be kind of handy if you’re going to take on any of these projects.”
    He tossed a wooden spoon in the air and caught it behind his back. “I’m full of untapped talent.”
    “Impressive.” She put down the magazine and applauded.
    “My mom got me that subscription for my birthday. I have built a few things I saw in there. A deck box, the picnic table, and a rocking horse for some friends who had a baby boy last year.” He tossed salad as he spoke.
    “You are talented.” She picked up the magazine and flipped through it again, paying closer attention this time. “This is really cute.” She turned the magazine to face him. He leaned over as he smoothed olive oil over baked potatoes and rolled them in kosher salt.
    “The swing?”
    “Yeah, isn’t it cute? I love the stars and stripes. My Jake would love it.”
    “That’s a five-minute job,” he said.
    “Yeah, right. It’s adorable.” Kasey smiled as she pictured Jake swinging, pumping his legs to go as high as possible. In the photo, the swing’s plank seat hung from thick ropes that knotted beneath it. She left the magazine opened to that page and laid it on the counter.
    Scott opened the pre-heated oven and slid the cookie sheet of potatoes inside. Ears of corn, still in the husk, lined the counter. Beside them was a plastic container of steaks in a marinade of herbs that tickled her nose.
    Scott washed his hands and dried them on a dish towel.
    “Come on, we have some time. Let me introduce you to Maggie and show you the boat house before everyone gets here. Better grab your jacket.”
    “You’ll love her.”
    She put on her jacket. and he led her out of the kitchen through the back door. They walked down a path to the water’s edge.
    A black lab ran up to Scott with her tail wagging. “This is Maggie.”
    Kasey stooped down and let the dog sniff her hand. Once Maggie gave her an approving lick, Kasey patted her head.
    “How’s my girl today?” Scott asked. “You ready for some supper?”
    Maggie spun in excitement.
    “Maggie, show Miss Kasey what you’ve been up to while I get your food.”
    Maggie headed to the boathouse that bordered the dock at the bottom of Scott’s property. She barked and led Kasey to the back of the building to a smaller room.
    Kasey raised a brow and looked in Scott’s direction.
    “Lassie doesn’t have anything on my Maggie.
    “All-righty then.” Kasey followed in Maggie’s footsteps.
    In the corner of the room was an empty kiddie pool. Well, not really empty. It was filled with a dog's bed and puppies. Lots of puppies!
    Maggie stepped gingerly into the middle of the pool, then sat proudly next to her litter, thumping her tail.
    “Miss Maggie, you’ve been busy. How many pups do you have there, girl?” Kasey counted. “My goodness, eight, nine, ten? You must be one pooped pup.”
    Maggie charged out of the pool toward Scott, who entered the room carrying her bowl.
    Scott put the bowl of food on the floor, then squatted next to Kasey. “Are they the cutest little things you’ve ever seen?”
    “They’re adorable. And so many. The brown one is huge. He looks like someone snuck him in from an older litter.”
    “Yeah. She usually has a couple chocolates. This time they were all black with the exception of those two. One brown and one yellow. The yellow pup is the runt. She’s my favorite.”
    “Ohhhh, she’s cute, too.”
    Scott scooped up the tiny yellow lab and handed her to Kasey. The puppy snuggled against her chest.
    “Their eyes just opened about

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