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Titel: THE PERFECT TEN (Boxed Set) Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Dianna Love , Sandy Blair , Misty Evans , Adrienne Giordano , Mary Buckham , Alexa Grace , Tonya Kappes , Nancy Naigle , Norah Wilson , Micah Caida
Vom Netzwerk:
of the deck. Scott plopped the steaks on the sizzling grate of the stainless steel monstrosity, and then everyone split into teams to throw horseshoes.
    Kasey had never played, and she didn’t have beginner’s luck. Her new friends were getting a good laugh over of her lack of skill. That was fun for a little while, but she decided she’d do better taking pictures than playing. She took some candid shots. When Scott halted the games so he could flip the steaks, she got everyone together for a group picture. She set the timer on the camera and joined the group for the photo.
    Chaz’s wife was fluffy and had an outdated hairstyle. Her cheeks plumped from the smile that never left her face. She was the kind of person you instantly liked. “I just love photographs, Kasey. I hope you won’t mind getting me copies of a few of these pictures to remember this nice day.”
    “My pleasure. I love to scrapbook. I’d be happy to put something together for you.”
    “I’m a scrapbooker, too! We should get together sometime.”
    “I'd like that. And I want to thank you personally for the delicious cake you baked for me. I really enjoyed it. That was such a sweet gesture.”
    “I am glad you liked it, and I’m glad you’re here. It will be nice to have some new young folks around this old town.”
    Scott clanged a dinner bell from the porch. “Okay troops, soup’s on.”
    Everyone lined up around a long oak table and piled their plates high. Once they took their seats, they bowed their heads for a prayer that Chaz led before they dug into the bounty. Kasey eyes misted as Chaz said the prayer and everyone held hands. She felt so much comfort and love with this quirky group of folks that seemed to accept her as one of their own. No questions asked. Well, except for Deputy Dan, but she figured he’d show up with an apology one day and she’d have to accept it.
    After dinner, they all moved inside since the sun sank lower and the air grew chilly. Folks departed, few by few, until Kasey and Scott were left alone.
    “I had the best day. Thank you so much for inviting me.”
    “You were the best part of it.”
    Kasey swallowed hard, searching for a response. “You have a beautiful home and terrific friends,” she said. “And you’re right: you do make the best steak around.”
    “Thanks.” Scott hesitated as if he wanted to say something but couldn’t decide whether he should. He put some leftovers in the refrigerator, then leveled his gaze on her. “So, I have to ask. Did you really date Cody Tuggle?”
    “No. That was just a gossip rag lie. You can’t believe anything they print in those things.”
    “Good. I don’t think I could compete with a country star.”
    The comment caught her off guard. As nice as he was, that wasn’t something that she could even imagine. “Well, I’m no prize,” she said quietly. “I’ve got more baggage than the airlines and I doubt this old heart will ever be the same after what I’ve been through.”
    He nodded once. “I didn’t mean it. Actually, yes...I did mean it like that.” He let out a loud breath and then shook his head. “I’m sorry. I know it’s lousy timing. But you’re nice. I like you.” He shifted awkwardly. “You know, I was married once.”
    “You mentioned an ex-wife. You don’t seem the marrying kind, though.”
    “You saying I’m ugly?”
    “No,” she responded—almost too quickly. “You just seem very well settled into your bachelor life.”
    “It is pretty sweet.” He smiled easily. “But I miss having someone in my life.”
    “What was your wife like?”
    “A little like you. A city girl. Ruth and I met in college. She was from Atlanta.” He shook his head and frowned a bit. “Man, I loved that girl.” He walked into the living room.
    “What happened?” she asked as she followed.
    “I guess the country sounds more charming than it is.” Scott sat on the couch and motioned for Kasey to join him. “She was lonely, hated the quiet and being so far from shopping and fancy restaurants. She couldn’t stand being so far away from folks, and she didn't like the fact that there wasn’t much privacy in a small town.”
    Kasey sat next to Scott.
    “She spent most of her time begging me to transfer to a bigger town. Ruth hung in there for almost two years. She was miserable and...well, before we knew it, we both were. I wasn’t going to live in the city. I’m not the type, and she couldn’t live here.”

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