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Titel: THE PERFECT TEN (Boxed Set) Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Dianna Love , Sandy Blair , Misty Evans , Adrienne Giordano , Mary Buckham , Alexa Grace , Tonya Kappes , Nancy Naigle , Norah Wilson , Micah Caida
Vom Netzwerk:
Shutterbug followed her into the kitchen where Kasey tossed the paper towels into the trash and washed her hands, then took her clothes from the dryer.
    Kasey nearly tripped over Shutterbug when she turned around. “Watch out, girl.” Kasey walked through the living room to the bathroom. When she closed the door, Shutterbug whimpered from the other side.
    “You’re breaking her heart,” Scott yelled.
    “I hear her,” Kasey called, then screamed and ran from the bathroom with her jeans and bra on, her shirt held up to cover her.

    Chapter Thirty-Two
    “What’s the matter? Are you hurt?” Scott said.
    Kasey slammed into him just outside the bathroom door. “Look. I heard something. And then—” She was frantic, looking behind her, then back to Scott, not making any sense. “And it clanked, and I looked. A giant—there’s a snapping turtle in your tub!”
    “Oh. That. You scared the heck out of me.”
    “I’m serious. Go look.”
    “That’s Turtle Mike.”
    “Who? What? You knew there was an animal in the bathroom, and you just let me go in there? He could have bitten my toes off.”
    “Turtle Mike isn’t dangerous. He’s not a snapper—just a big old box turtle. He wouldn’t hurt a fly. Okay, he would eat a fly, but he won’t hurt you .”
    “What’s it...he...whatever...doing in your bathroom?”
    “He lives there. My nephew found him last summer. He loves that turtle.”
    “How do you bathe?”
    “I have a shower in the other bathroom, but frankly I shower more often at the station or the gym. Tubs are for girls...and turtles.”
    “All-righty then. I guess that makes perfect sense. If you’re a guy.” She let out a breath. “Scared the heck out of me.”
    “Sorry. I don’t even think much about him anymore except to feed him each day. He’s usually pretty quiet.”
    “Yeah, well he scared about four years off my life.” Kasey turned her back to Scott and pulled her shirt over her head. “It’s never a dull moment with you, is it?”
    Shutterbug ran up behind Scott.
    “That’s a compliment, right?” Scott picked up Shutterbug and shoved the puppy into Kasey’s arms. “Forgive us?”
    “Don’t you blame that thing on Shutterbug. She’s traumatized, too.”
    “Sorry.” Scott closed the bathroom door. “You can use the other bathroom from now on. Will you stay?”
    She didn’t say no, but he could see the wheels turning. “We want you to stay.” He took Shutterbug from her and held the puppy next to his cheek. They both panted. “Please?”
    “We already let the dinner swim away,” she said.
    “I can cook something else. It’ll give me a chance to impress you with my culinary skills again.” Shutterbug licked Kasey’s nose.
    “How can you say no to that?” he asked.
    “This is moving kind of fast.” She ran her hand through her hair. “I just don’t want to mess up our friendship by starting something I can’t finish. I —”
    “Don’t. Let’s just take it a day at a time. No promises. Our focus is just getting through each day, and finding Jake.”
    She patted Shutterbug on the head.
    “That’s it, Kasey. I promise.”
    He stooped a little to get eye-to-eye with her and smiled. “And Shutterbug. We have to keep Shutterbug happy, too.”
    She smiled a little smile.
    He put his arm around her shoulders, and they walked back into the living room.
    Kasey gave him a sidelong glance as they sat down. “We couldn’t disappoint Shutterbug, and I am anxious to see if you can cook something else besides steaks on the grill.”
    “Oh, you’ll be impressed.”
    She raised a brow. “Impress away.”
    Shutterbug barked.
    “Shutterbug has her doubts,” Kasey said.
    “I think she’s just hungry. Let’s take her back to Maggie and feed them. Then I’ll work my magic on something wonderful for you.”
    Kasey looked worried.
    She has to feel the attraction. I sure as hell can’t deny it. “Dinner.” He rolled his eyes. “I mean dinner.”
    Scott made a salad and stuffed pork chops for dinner. Kasey wiped her mouth and sat back from the table after eating every bite. “I’m going to tell you right now, I am never cooking for you. I’m a bad cook on my own, but compared to you.... Well, there is no comparison.”
    “It can’t be that bad.”
    “Trust me. You don’t want to find out.”
    Scott cleared the dishes and stacked them in the dishwasher. Then he and Kasey went back into the living room where Scott channel-surfed

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