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The Resistance

The Resistance

Titel: The Resistance Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Gemma Malley
Vom Netzwerk:
Jude idly began to search for the Underground’s own network. It took him less than an hour to locate it, and when he did he was not surprised to find that it was less sophisticated than Pincent Pharma’s. What did surprise him – and impress him – was that it was more difficult to access, mainly because it was messier, more ad hoc, with strands upon strands and no obvious central holding system. Without questioning his motives too deeply, he started to delve inwards. It took him nearly three hours, but lightly, delicately, he eventually found his way in, deftly overcoming security codes, teasing out hidden pages until, finally, he was where he wanted to be.
    And then something occurred to him. He suddenly knew why he was there, knew what he wanted to do. He wanted to be part of it, wanted to show them what he could do. Peter had relied on the Underground’s help all his life; Jude would instead help the Underground. One-nil to him. Yes, he thought to himself excitedly, he was going to offer his services. And they’d be stupid not to jump at the chance of having him. After all, what he didn’t know about security networks wasn’t worth knowing. Allowing a little smile to creep on to his lips, he opened a message page and started to type.
    Jude2124: Reporting for duty. See my CV below.
    I’m at your disposal. A friend. (PS your security needs an upgrade.)
    He didn’t have to wait long for a reply.
    Hold1: Jude2124, please explain your presence here. We have you based in London, right?
    Jude was impressed. They were more advanced than he’d thought, tracking him in under three minutes. Unfortunately for them, he smiled to himself, they’d have tracked him to a divert address on the other side of the city.
    Jude2124: Not bad. So anyway, I saw the attack at Pincent Pharma the other week. Have it on tape, if you’re interested? I’m sure I could be very valuable to you.
    This time he had to wait over ten minutes for a response.
    Pip: You have tapes? What do you intend to do with them?
    Jude stared at the screen. Was this really Pip or did everyone at the Underground use his name when messaging? Pip was the guy who ran the Underground, the guy who had a huge price on his head. It couldn’t be him, Jude decided. Not really.
    Jude2124: Nothing. They’re yours.
    Pip: And what do you want in return?
    Jude2124: My usual rate’s £3000. You can have them for free. I want to sign up.
    Pip: Sign up? What do you mean?
    Jude frowned in irritation.
    Jude2124: I mean I want to join you guys. You know, fight the enemy, fight Longevity. I want to join the Underground.
    Pip: We’ll have to think about that.
    Jude rolled his eyes. What was there to think about?
    Jude2124: Think? Why? How long for?
    Pip: Are you going to be around for the next hour?
    Jude2124: Sure.
    Pip: Good. Stay by your computer. We’ll get back to you.
    Jude watched as the words fizzled away before his eyes, and sighed in annoyance. There he was thinking the Underground were dynamic revolutionaries when really they were as bad as the Authorities with their paperwork and protocols. Paperwork and protocols were all his father ever spoke about when he was alive. Thought they were the most important thing in the whole world. Couldn’t see that they were pointless pieces of crap that only existed to give people like him a job.
    Slowly, he stood up and walked towards his window, opening the curtain just a fraction. An hour? He was offering them his services – what was there to think about?
    Irritated, he returned to his computer and logged on to MyWorld. In MyWorld there were no Authorities, no Underground, no stupid protocols. Just hot girls, young people and fun things to do. His girlfriend was waiting for him on their bench; he sat down and told her about the Underground.
    ‘They’re idiots,’ she said, raising an eyebrow flirtatiously. ‘They don’t deserve you.’
    ‘No, they don’t,’ Jude agreed wholeheartedly. ‘So what’s up with you, anyway?’
    He allowed himself to melt into the virtual embrace of his girlfriend, before wandering with her hand in hand across the park.
    Jude froze as he felt an arm silently clamp around his neck; he didn’t know how long he’d been lying down on a blanket, allowing chunks of milk chocolate to melt in his mouth. His girlfriend was still smiling at him expectantly on-screen.
    ‘You wanted to meet,’ a voice said. ‘So here we are.’
    ‘Please place your palm print on the screen, then move

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