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Titel: Tribute Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Nora Roberts
Vom Netzwerk:
Hardy, attempted to fill her mother’s sparkling footsteps. How could you let them print that?”
    “You know as well as I do you can’t control the press.”
    “I don’t want you giving any more interviews.”
    “And you should know you can’t control what I do, or don’t. Not anymore. Spin it, Mom. You know how. Grief kept you away, and so on. Whatever happy times you spent here were overshadowed, even smothered, by your mother’s death here. It’ll get you some sympathy and more press.”
    The long pause told Cilla her mother was considering the angles. “How could I think of that place as anything but a tomb?”
    “There you go.”
    “It’s easier for you, it’s different for you. You never knew her. She’s just an image for you, a movie clip, a photograph. She was flesh and blood for me. She was my mother.”
    “It would be better, for everyone, if you vetted interviews with me or Mario. And I’d think any reporter who works for a legitimate paper would have contacted my people for a comment or quote. Be sure they do, next time.”
    “You’re up early,” Cilla said by way of evading.
    “I have rehearsals, costume fittings. I’m exhausted before I begin.”
    “You’re a trouper. I wanted to ask you something. The last year or so, before Janet died, do you know who she was involved with?”
    “Romantically? She could barely get out of bed by herself half the time in the first weeks after Johnnie. Or she’d bounce off the walls and demand people and parties. She’d cling to me one minute, and push me away the next. It scarred me, Cilla. I lost my brother and my mother so close together. And really, I lost them both the night Johnnie died.”
    Because she believed that, if nothing else, that was deeply and painfully true, Cilla’s tone softened. “I know. I can’t imagine how terrible it was.”
    “No one can. I was alone. Barely sixteen, and I had no one. She left me, Cilla. She chose to leave me. In that house you’re so determined to turn into a shrine.”
    “That’s not what I’m doing. Who was she involved with, Mom? A secret affair, a married man. An affair that went south.”
    “She had affairs. Why wouldn’t she? She was beautiful and vital, and she needed love.”
    “A specific affair, during this specific period.”
    “I don’t know.” Dilly’s voice clipped on the words now. “I try not to think about that time. It was hell for me. Why do you care? Why dredge that kind of thing up again? I hate the theories and the speculations.”
    Tread carefully, Cilla reminded herself. “I’m just curious. You hear talk, and she did spend a lot of time here in that last year, year and a half. She wasn’t really involved with anyone back in L.A., that I’ve heard about. It wasn’t like her to be without a man, a lover, for very long.”
    “Men couldn’t resist her. Why should she resist them? Then they’d let her down. They always do. They make promises they don’t keep. They cheat, they steal, and God knows they can’t stand for the woman to be more successful.”
    “So how are things with you and Num—with Mario?”
    “He’s the exception to the rule. I’ve finally found the kind of man I need. Mama never did. She never found a man worthy of her.”
    “And never stopped looking,” Cilla prompted. “She would have wanted the comfort, the love and support, especially after Johnnie died. Maybe she looked here, in Virginia.”
    “I don’t know. She never took me with her back to the farm after Johnnie. She said she had to be alone. I didn’t want to go back anyway. It was too painful. That’s why I haven’t been back in all these years. It’s still a fresh wound in my heart.”
    And we come full circle, Cilla thought. “Like I said, I’m just curious. So if something or someone occurs to you, let me know. I’d better let you get to rehearsal.”
    “Oh, let them wait! Mario had the best idea. It’s phenomenal, and such a good opportunity for you. We’ll work a duet for you and me into the show, in the second act. A medley of Mama’s songs with clips and stills from her movies on screen behind us. We’ll finish with ‘I’ll Get By,’ making it a trio, putting her onstage with us, the way they did with Elvis and Céline Dion. He’s talking to HBO, Cilla, about broadcasting.”
    “We’ll need you back here next week for rehearsals, and costume design, choreography. We’re still working out the composition, but the

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