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Titel: Tripwire Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Lee Child
Vom Netzwerk:
head of a big Wall Street firm.

    ST. LOUIS TO DALLAS-Fort Worth is 568 miles by air, and it took a comfortable ninety minutes, thirty of them climbing hard, thirty of them cruising fast, and thirty of them descending on approach. Reacher and Jodie were together in business class, this time on the port side of the plane, among a very different clientele than had flown with them out of New York. Most of the cabin was occupied by Texan businessmen in sharkskin suits in various shades of blue and gray, with alligator boots and big hats. They were larger and ruddier and louder than their East Coast counterparts, and they were working the stewardesses harder. Jodie was in a simple rust-colored dress like something Audrey Hepburn might have worn, and the businessmen were stealing glances at her and avoiding Reacher’s eye. He was on the aisle, in his crumpled khakis and his ten-year-old English shoes, and they were trying to place him. He saw them going around in circles, looking at his tan and his hands and his companion, figuring him for a roughneck who got lucky with a claim, then figuring that doesn’t really happen anymore, then starting over with new speculations. He ignored them and drank the airline’s best coffee from a china cup and started thinking about how to get inside Wolters and get some sense out of DeWitt.
    A military policeman trying to get some sense out of a two-star general is like a guy tossing a coin. Heads brings you a guy who knows the value of cooperation. Maybe he’s had difficulties in the past inside some unit or another, and maybe he’s had them solved for him by the MPs in an effective and perceptive manner. Then he’s a believer, and his instinct goes with you. You’re his friend. But tails brings you a guy who has maybe caused his own difficulties. Maybe he’s botched and blundered his way through some command and maybe the MPs haven’t been shy about telling him so. Then you get nothing from him except aggravation. Heads or tails, but it’s a bent coin, because on top of everything any institution despises its own policemen, so it comes down tails a lot more than it comes up heads. That had been Reacher’s experience. And, worse, he was a military policeman who was now a civilian. He had two strikes against him before he even stepped up to the plate.
    The plane taxied to the gate and the businessmen waited and ushered Jodie down the aisle ahead of them. Either plain Texan courtesy or they wanted to watch her legs and her ass as she walked, but Reacher couldn’t mount any serious criticism on that issue because he wanted to do exactly the same thing. He carried her bag and followed her down the jetway and into the terminal. He stepped alongside her and put his arm around her shoulders and felt a dozen pairs of eyes drilling into his back.
    “Claiming what’s yours?” she asked.
    “You noticed them?” he asked back.
    She threaded her arm around his waist and pulled him closer as they walked.
    “They were kind of hard to miss. I guess it would have been easy enough to get a date for tonight.”
    “You’d have been beating them off with a stick.”
    “It’s the dress. Probably I should have worn trousers, but I figured it’s kind of traditional down here.”
    “You could wear a Soviet tank driver’s suit, all gray-green and padded with cotton, and they’d still have their tongues hanging out.”
    She giggled. “I’ve seen Soviet tank drivers. Dad showed me pictures. Two hundred pounds, big mustaches, smoking pipes, tattoos, and that was just the women.”
    The terminal was chilled with air-conditioning and they were hit with a forty-degree jump in temperature when they stepped out to the taxi line. June in Texas, just after ten in the morning, and it was over a hundred and humid.
    “Wow,” she said. “Maybe the dress makes sense.”
    They were in the shade of an overhead roadway, but beyond it the sun was white and brassy. The concrete baked and shimmered. Jodie bent and found some dark glasses in her bag and slipped them on and looked more like a blond Audrey Hepburn than ever. The first taxi was a new Caprice with the air going full blast and religious artifacts hanging from the rearview mirror. The driver was silent and the trip lasted forty minutes, mostly over concrete highways that shone white in the sun and started out busy and got emptier.
    Fort Wolters was a big, permanent facility in the middle of nowhere with low elegant buildings and landscaping

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