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Under Pressure [IAD Agency] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Under Pressure [IAD Agency] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Titel: Under Pressure [IAD Agency] (Siren Publishing Classic)
Autoren: Laurie Roma
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for Bella and Liz since the night of the benefit. They gave their jackets to Tony to keep behind the bar, and Bella took a sip of the pale, golden liquid and hummed with pleasure as the crisp taste hit her tongue.
    Liz had tried to talk her into going out during the week, even though she rarely did herself. Bella had told her what had happened, and Liz was both worried and excited for Bella. Liz hated seeing Bella pine away for Jason MacBain and didn’t want this one episode to set her back. She had encouraged Bella to reach out and contact him, but Bella said no. Liz knew better and had tried telling Bella that Jason hadn’t been watching over her for her brothers, but Bella didn’t believe her.
    Dreams of him had been haunting her, taking the place of her regular nightmares. Liz offered to track down his phone number if she wanted, but Bella had declined, saying it would be too awkward after the way she had left.
    Danny leaned a muscular arm on the bar, leaning in to talk to them. “Hey, why didn’t you drag Tony in with you tonight?”
    “He’s coming by in a bit. Had some stuff to take care of before he came out.” Bella glanced around at all the people in the room. Friday nights always had them packing in. Months before a crowd like this sent her into a panic, but now she only had a feeling of pride for her brother that the bar was doing so well. Turning back to him, Bella raised an eyebrow.
    “Why do I suspect that was your way for scolding me for coming out without my bodyguard?”
    Danny held up his hands in mock surrender, hurrying away to take a drink order from someone down at the other end of the bar. Liz and Bella looked at each other, laughing together, knowing that he had been caught.
    “The gallery has been packed all week. That article in the Trib with our picture seems to have people coming out in droves with a newfound appreciation of art,” Liz joked. “I don’t know how many men have come in asking if you were going to be around, if you worked there, too. Even old Mr. Wetherby had to crack a smile over the business we’ve been doing.”
    Liz’s boss was like a hundred years old, cantankerous, short–tempered, and was going to outlive them all. He had hired Liz immediately when she had come back from New York with Bella. He liked to complain about everything, but Bella knew that under his gruff exterior he would do anything for Liz.
    “Ha, you mean that stupid picture where you looked like a princess and I looked like your short sidekick? What did the caption say…‘Ms. Elizabeth Trenton, cochair of the Children’s Foundation and art dealer at Heritage Art Gallery and friend. ’ That’s like being designated a plus one instead of an actual name. Not that I mind though, I will leave the publicity all to you. I’ve had enough of that crap.” Bella laughed off Liz’s look of concern.
    “Are you ready for next week?” Liz asked, switching subjects quickly.
    “Yeah, I am. I just…I’m nervous. I mean, I’ve never taught a class, you know? It’s different when I’m cooking, creating, doing my thing, and since everything that has happened…Well, I don’t know. I hope it all goes well.”
    “I’m sure you’ll do wonderful. Considering how everyone was at each other’s throats to get a space in your class…you’ll do great.”
    “I’m sure I’ll enjoy myself. It’s just nerves. Plus, how many teachers actually get a sous chef to work with them? It should be okay. It’s a short course anyway. I’m meeting with Jenna on Monday to go over everything before class starts on Tuesday. She’s a brilliant pastry chef, and I’m sure she’ll be easy to work with.”
    Jenna Markham was a recent graduate of the school and had jumped at the chance to work with Bella. When they had met, they had immediately formed an easy friendship. Jenna was absolutely thrilled to be working with Bella and would be able to do anything that Bella’s injury did not allow, but Bella secretly hoped that she would not need her for much more than a comrade in the kitchen. She picked up her wine. Wanting to change the subject, she said, “So, Tara’s birthday is just around the corner. What did you get her? Are we still going to plan a party for her? Have you seen her yet?”
    Liz laughed. “As if we could plan anything for that girl. She’s the hardest person to buy a present for because she always buys what she wants. No, I haven’t seen her…I think she just got back today. But I
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