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Under Pressure [IAD Agency] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Under Pressure [IAD Agency] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Titel: Under Pressure [IAD Agency] (Siren Publishing Classic)
Autoren: Laurie Roma
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moving! My life? Hon, I don’t even want to think of what my life would become if something should happen to you. That fucker is still out there somewhere. It would destroy me if something were to happen to you again. Not be here? There is nowhere I would rather be, okay?” His lips tweaked up in a sly smile. “Besides, I still do well with the ladies, so there is no need to worry yourself.”
    Bella choked back a laugh, “Quit bragging, slut.”
    She moved to sit next to him, holding his hand between hers, still needing the connection. He brought his other hand to hers, moving his fingertips over the scar on her right hand as if trying to erase it by sheer force of will.
    “How ’bout I make us some breakfast?” Bella offered, knowing that she had hurt him with her talking about moving. She watched the frown turn to a grin instantly, his face lit up at the thought of her feeding him.
    Laughing, Bella got up. Moving toward the kitchen, she called out, “Chef’s choice?” and laughed at the sheer joy on his face as he agreed.
    She loved cooking for her family. It was the only time she cooked anymore, afraid to try her chances at being a chef again since her dexterity was still compromised in her right hand. That was going to change though.
    Starting next week, Bella had agreed to a part-time guest teaching position at the city’s elite Chicago Culinary Institute. Her one class that she was teaching had filled up immediately and they had begged her to take on more classes, but she thought one class that met two times a week was enough. She had forced herself to accept the position to reclaim her life.
    As Bella began her preparations, Tony settled in his favored seat on the barstool where he could watch her cook.
    No , he thought as his eyes followed her easy movement around the kitchen. There was no way in hell that he was moving away from her before that psycho asshole was caught, castrated, and fucking beheaded.
    “So, why didn’t you wait for me last night? Liz told me you were catching up with a friend.” His head tilted slightly to the side in a gesture so much like her own.
    “Umm, yeah. I was…We just hung out. Sorry.” Bella turned toward the stove to start the omelets she was making to cover the blush that stole across her cheeks.
    “It’s good that you are reconnecting with friends, Bells.”
    Eyes closing in distress, Bella realized she had no way of getting a hold of Jason without asking Tony. And that was definitely not happening. She had not given him her number nor had she gotten his.
    The phone rang, startling her. Tony reached over and picked the phone up, smiling as he heard Danny’s voice. “Hey, bro, yeah, she’s here. Can’t talk right now. She’s making me breakfast.”
    Tony burst out laughing as he placed the phone back down on the counter. Turning in question, Bella smiled at Tony when he said, “He’s coming over. Said he would be here in ten minutes before he hung up on me.”
    Pushing all thoughts of last night out of her head, she went to work making breakfast for two of her favorite men.

Chapter Six
    Moretti’s was packed.
    The bar Bella’s brother owned was a city hotspot. Moretti’s was a tribute to their Italian heritage, focusing on setting the stage with excellent drinks, a small selection of food, and good music.
    Sinatra crooned over the speakers as Bella and Liz pushed their way up to the rectangular bar in the center of the large, low-lit room, waving as the staff greeted them warmly. They watched Danny work behind the bar with ease, oozing charm to the customers he served. Glancing over, he did a double take at seeing them and let out an excited yell.
    “Bells! Sweetheart, you’re here! Hey there, Lizzy doll!” He went to the end of the bar where they were standing, shooing away two of his regulars to make room for them to sit as he barked at them.
    “Get the hell up and make room for my sisters.”
    He turned to Bella and Liz with a wink.
    Bella leaned over the bar top to press a kiss to Danny’s cheek, and he kissed her back, raising a hand to stroke her cheek. Bella rarely came to the bar without extreme coaxing on his part, and he was hopeful that this was a sign that she was finally healing. In turn he kissed Liz’s cheek in greeting and then reached under the bar to the refrigerator to get a bottle of their favorite white wine he kept on hand just for them, pouring them each a glass.
    It was the first time out and about on the town
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