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Under Pressure [IAD Agency] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Under Pressure [IAD Agency] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Titel: Under Pressure [IAD Agency] (Siren Publishing Classic)
Autoren: Laurie Roma
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don’t know if I can. I don’t think I even understand it, but I need you to be safe, here where I can feel you. Just be with you.”
    His deep voice comforted her in a way she had never known.
    Jason pressed his head down on the top of hers, stroking his hand slowly over her back. “Sparks flew between us from the first, love. You may have just melted my ice with your fiery spirit, and now I crave more. Make me burn, lass. Don’t give up on us.” He lifted her chin to rub his lips slowly over hers. Moaning, she put her arm around his neck and gave into the sensations.
    Lost in longing, Bella stretched toward him wanting more of his taste, more of everything. She opened her mouth slightly and was immediately rewarded as Jason’s tongue stroked in. His tongue danced with hers in a soft, slow mating, making her sigh with pleasure. Finally she pulled back to look at him. He gave her a small smile that made her heart speed up.
    “I…I have scars.”
    “You show me yours, and I’ll show you mine,” he whispered back, causing her to let out a startled giggle. The low, husky sound of her laugh sent a shiver down Jason’s spine.
    “I didn’t think you would want me still…after you knew.” Bella almost cringed at the dark look on Jason’s face.
    “You don’t think much of me.”
    Shaking her head, Bella stroked a hand over the side of his face lovingly. “I think of you too much,” she confessed in a shaky whisper.
    Bella had to hold back a yelp as Jason’s arms tightened around her. “Never too much.”
    “We must both be crazy or something.” She sighed, putting her head back against his chest. “I really don’t even know you, but I feel safe with you.”
    He surrounded her with his strength, and a deep pleasure coursed through him at hearing those simple words from her. Knowing what that had cost her meant more than anything.
    “We should go back in. I have to face my brothers at some point.”
    Reluctantly, he let go of her and helped her stand. He kept her right hand in his, his thumb brushing softly over her scar. “By the way, how old are you?”
    She stopped in surprise. “I’m turning thirty in a few months. Why, how old are you?”
    “Thirty-seven. Does that bother you?” He smiled at her obvious confusion.
    “No. Should it?”
    He murmured no as he bent to press another soft kiss on her lips. They continued on into the kitchen when he stopped again, and she turned around to look up at him in question.
    “I’m staying with you tonight.”
    She paused to nibble on her bottom lip.
    “If you don’t want to be with me, then tell me so and I will respect your wishes. But I am still going to make sure you’re safe. Until this bastard is dead, I am going to be camped on your couch or outside your apartment. I’ll sleep in my car if I have to.”
    Seeing the determination on his face, she hesitantly nodded and whispered, “Stay with me.” Jason leaned down to kiss her once more before stroking his hand tenderly down the side of her face.
    “I won’t let anyone hurt you. Not ever again.”

Chapter Ten
    Bella walked into the great room holding Jason’s hand in a show of solidarity. She doubted that he knew what it had meant to her for him to come to her after what he had just learned. Holding his strong hand in her slight one, she knew she was showing her family what he meant to her.
    Liz was looking at the rest of the group like she wanted to strangle all three of her brothers, and it was obvious that her brothers had been arguing amongst themselves since Bella had left the room.
    She was startled as Sal rushed over to embrace her in his massive arms. Her arms wound around his waist, and she held on, letting the security of her brother’s love wash over her. This was what she needed, she thought on a sigh.
    “I’ve missed you, Sal.”
    Pulling back, Sal looked down at her face and wiped away the tears that she didn’t even know had fallen. “Oh, baby, I’ve missed you, too. I’m sorry I was gone, honey, but I’m here now. I love you, little sis. Anything you need, I’m here. He will never hurt you again. I swear it on my life.”
    “Sal, it’s not your fault or anyone else’s but Victor. He’s crazy. It’s as simple as that. I love you, Sal, and I don’t blame you for not being here, but I’m so glad you’re home. Why don’t we all have dinner tomorrow night at Mama and Papa’s to celebrate?”
    “Sounds good. I know you’re probably tired and want to
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