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Under Pressure [IAD Agency] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Under Pressure [IAD Agency] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Titel: Under Pressure [IAD Agency] (Siren Publishing Classic) Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Laurie Roma
Vom Netzwerk:
withstand a battering ram, but this room, his sanctuary, was fully protected with reinforced walls as well. One wall of the great room held an impressive collection of ancient weapons, which Jason could wield with frightening accuracy and precision, artfully arranged around an enormous fireplace.
    A large opened doorway led to his official office with his formal desk and computer systems. Hidden amongst the dark panels of wood was a hidden elevator that no one knew about and a safe that would take a team of professionals days to crack. He took the information he handled very seriously and did everything possible to ensure that it remained secure.
    Sal, Rock, Adrian, Slade, and Brett Michaels sat with him in the informal meeting area as they went over the data that had been collected on Victor Dane. Brett had just come back from an assignment overseas and wanted in on the details.
    Tara and Tony were busy down in headquarters trying to hack into any available cameras around the area to find a shot of Dane’s transportation or perhaps even a license plate to go on. It was just a matter of time before they traced him to wherever he was hiding.
    No one escaped them for long. Victor Dane was a dead man walking.
    Jason hated waiting. Dealing with terrorists wasn’t easy, but at least there was usually a method to their madness. Power, greed, and corruption were addictive incentives for nefarious characters, and like the old adage stated, there was very little honor amongst those leading a life of crime. Patience was important in their line of work. No matter what, Jason always got his man, but this was entirely different.
    This was worse.
    Jason hated that Dane was in the same city as Bella. Hell, he hated that Dane existed in the same world as Bella. But that would end soon. He would find Victor Dane. And when he did, he would kill him. What made this even more difficult was that Victor was harder to trace because he was just plain fucking crazy. Crazy psychos were less predictable than regular criminals, but still they would find him.
    Then Jason would end the threat against his woman.
    Automatically tensing at a sound in the open doorway, Jason only had a second before Bella ran into the room and threw herself onto him, kissing him passionately. His arms immediately wound around her, holding her to him as he kissed her back with matching enthusiasm.
    Rock, Adrian, and Slade coughed to cover their laughter, leaving Sal to grumble alone. Brett Michaels just watched them with considering and curious eyes.
    Bella pulled back to smile at Jason. Shafts of desire surged through him just by looking at her, making his cock press against the zipper of his jeans. Christ, she was beautiful. Her smile soothed his soul, made him ache to touch her, and filled him with love.
    The men had never seen Jason so unguarded. They were absolutely shocked at the tender expression on his face.
    Jason gently pushed Bella’s hair behind her ear and ran a hand down the silky length. Another cough had his fierce eyes swinging back to his men. His face once again became void of expression, cool gray eyes freezing them with a glare.
    Bella finally acknowledged their audience, not in the least embarrassed by her behavior. Feeling like the old Bella, loving Jason made her feel free.
    “Good morning, gentlemen! Sal, Mama wants you to call her. She said you’ve been avoiding her phone calls and not to make her come back here just so she can give you a piece of her mind.”
    Sal muttered under his breath, making Bella lean over and smack his arm.
    “Salvatore Moretti!”
    “I’ll call her!” Sal grimaced as Bella frowned at him. “I swear, I’ll call her.”
    “Good. Maybe then she’ll stop calling me every ten minutes.” Bella tried to get up, but Jason held fast. She gave him a cute little frown until he let go and got up to move around the coffee table to kiss Sal and then Slade on the cheek, saying hello. To her amusement, Slade actually blushed.
    “Oh my, twins!” Bella sucked in a quick breath of surprise as she saw two dangerously beautiful men. They were identical except for their hair. One had his head shaved, and the other has short dark brown spikes. Both had arresting green eyes, but where one wore a wicked grin the other remained stoic. She was charmed when both of them stood to say hello to her. Bella was busy taking in the view with pure feminine appreciation until Jason’s growl had her shaking out of her stupor.

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