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Under Pressure [IAD Agency] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Under Pressure [IAD Agency] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Titel: Under Pressure [IAD Agency] (Siren Publishing Classic) Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Laurie Roma
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eyes going blind, her whole body shook as absolute pleasure claimed her, making her scream. “I love you, Jason. Oh God, I love you. I love you!”
    Jason’s grip tightened on her hips, holding her impaled on his shaft as her body bucked and shuddered against his, and he roared as the greatest pleasure he had ever known consumed him. Slamming forward to drive his cock up as far as it would go, he ground his hips and emptied himself inside her, spurting streams of fiery semen over and over into her womb.

Chapter Sixteen
    Bella’s body hung limply in Jason’s grasp, her head hitting the mattress. Jason rolled to his side, taking her with him, their slick bodies hitting the bed with a thud. Both of them struggled for breath, hearts beating wildly.
    They lay there, covered in sweat like participants of battle, tired and beaten, and yet Jason had never felt better. In that moment it was as if everything in his life had simply clicked into place and became utterly perfect. It was like being one with her, and he couldn’t bring himself to leave the haven of Bella’s body. He lay there, his large body spooning her, still buried deep inside Bella, almost in the same position where they had begun.
    Hearts slowed, breath came easier.
    They hadn’t used a condom. For the first time they had been together they hadn’t used any protection, and Jason couldn’t force himself to give a damn. He had made love to his woman. Never before had he fucked a woman without protection before.
    Christ, nowadays you have to all but boil and disinfect someone in order to fuck them without a rubber.
    Until Bella.
    Nothing could have prepared Jason for the feeling of being flesh to flesh with her. He felt a primitive satisfaction that surprised the hell out of him. When she had challenged him, demanding that he fuck her or let her go, he had felt something inside of him snap.
    Hell no, letting her go was not an option.
    He had been so careful with her, wanting to show her his softer side, prove to her that he could love her gently, tenderly like she deserved, but she had challenged the beast within him and had taken everything he had to give and more. Damn it, he felt like beating a fist against his chest, letting out a war cry, and doing it all over again. Maybe it was better because he loved her, but the feeling was indescribable.
    Christ, he loved her. Body, heart, and soul. She had become his world. And she had said she loved him, too. Not wanting to leave her body, he had to force himself to slowly pull out of her heat and roll her onto her back so he could see her face. He wanted, no, he needed to see the truth in her eyes.
    As Jason leaned over her, gray eyes searching, he seemed wary with an uncertainty she had never seen before. There before her was hope, apprehension and a longing that took her breath away.
    “Did you mean it?” Jason’s low rumble was so soft she barely heard it.
    She knew what he meant. She knew she had screamed out her love for him when she came, unable to contain the words inside her as they came together in passion. Her own eyes filled with tears as she met silver swirling with emotion. Bella reached her hand up to stroke the side of Jason’s face. God help her, she loved this man with everything in her. Jason’s eyes closed briefly as he pressed his face fully into her palm before opening once again, eyes now flat, holding back the emotional storm she had seen just seconds before.
    Courage, have courage.
    “I love you, Jason,” Bella whispered, her voice shaking with feeling. “I love you so much it scares me.” His nostrils flared, and his gray eyes darkened with emotion. “You make me feel normal. I’m not broken with you. I can’t even begin to tell you what you mean to me. I never thought I could feel this way. I love you.”
    Need sparked to life deep inside Jason. A need he didn’t know he would ever feel. Need of this woman by his side.
    “Marry me.”
    Bella’s eyes went wide, her lips forming a perfect O . Jason’s jaw clenched and released. Shit , he didn’t mean to just blurt it out like that, but now that he had, there was no going back. The seconds ticked by like hours as he waited for an answer.
    Bella tried to speak, swallowed, then whispered, her voice small, “Do you…do you love me?”
    All of the tension he was feeling was released in a laugh. “Bloody hell, woman, I want you to marry me! Yes, I love you. I wouldn’t ask if I dinna love you, lass.

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