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Titel: Untamed Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: P.C. Cast
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tiptoes, I could just make out Nyx's feast table that we sometimes put in the center of the circle. Tonight I imagined it held dried fruits and pickled vegetables, as would be right for deep winter, along with the ritual goblet of wine and such. I thought I also saw someone standing beside the table, but there were too many people in the way, and I couldn't be sure.
    "Merry meet!" Shekinah greeted me.
    "Merry meet." I smiled and saluted her.
    "How is your grandmother?"
    "She's holding her own," I said.
    "I considered canceling the ritual, or at least postponing it, but Neferet was adamant it should go on as planned. She seemed to believe it would be important to you."
    I fixed my expression so that I looked interested but neutral about what she'd said.
    "Well, I think the ritual is important, and I wouldn't want to be the cause of it being cancelled," I said. I looked around. Weird that Neferet herself wasn't here to jab at me. I was sure the only reason she'd been pushing for this to go on tonight was because she knew I'd been hurt and distracted by Grandma's accident. "Where is Neferet?" I asked.
    Shekinah glanced behind her, and then I saw her frown and send a quick look around the crowd. "She was just here behind me. Odd that I can't find her now . . ."
    "She's probably already part of the circle." I hoped my face didn't betray any of the warning bells that had started to bong in my head. I looked over at where Jack was tinkering with the audio equipment. "Well, I should probably get started."
    "Oh, I almost forgot to mention this to you. Actually I expected Neferet to tell you." Shekinah paused and looked around for Neferet again. "No matter, I can let you know just as easily. Neferet mentioned that you'd never performed such a large cleansing ritual before and that perhaps you didn't know, because you are such a very young fledgling, that during a ritual of this type you must mix the blood of a vampyre with the sacrificial wine you'll offer to the elements."
    "What?" I couldn't have heard her right.
    "Yes, it's quite simple, actually. Erik Night has volunteered not only to call you into the circle, taking our poor Loren Blake's place, but Erik will also play the traditional role of priestess's consort and offer his blood to you as sacrifice. I hear he's an excellent actor, so he'll do quite well tonight. Just follow his lead."
    "That was the surprise I was talking about!" Jack said, popping up beside Shekinah. "Well, the part about Erik calling you into the circle, I mean. The blood part is just whatever." Said the kid who was still a young enough fledgling not to be deeply affected by blood like, say, I was. "Isn't it cool that Erik volunteered!"
    "Oh, yeah, cool," was all I could make myself say.
    "I shall take my place now," Shekinah said. "Blessed be."
    I muttered a "Blessed be" at her back, then I turned on Jack.
    "Jack," I whispered violently. "Erik playing Loren's part tonight is not what I'd call a good surprise!"
    Jack frowned. "Damien and I thought it would be. It just shows that you guys can maybe try to talk to each other."
    "Not in front of the whole school we're not!"
    "Oh. Um. I didn't think about it like that." Jack's lip started to quiver. "Sorry. If I'd known you'd be mad, I would have told you first thing."
    I wiped a hand across my forehead, brushing my hair out of my face. The last thing I needed was Jack breaking down into tears. No, the last thing I needed was having to face seriously hot Erik and his delicious blood in front of the entire school! Okay, okay, just breathe . . . you've gotten through more embarrassing situations than this.
    "Zoey?" Jack sniffled.
    "Jack, it's okay. Really. I was just, well, surprised. Which is what a surprise is all about. I'll be fine now."
    "O-okay. Are you sure? Are you ready?"
    "Yes and yes," I said before I could run screaming in the opposite direction. "Start the music for me."
    "Knock 'em dead, Z!" he said, and ran back to the audio equipment, keying the beginning of the music.
    I closed my eyes and began the deep breathing that would help me clear my mind and prepare myself for calling the elements and casting the circle—and because of the Erik surprise, totally forgetting to tell Jack he should check the nanny cam.
    As always, I was a ball of nerves until I started toward the circle and the music filled me. Tonight the soundtrack of Memoirs of a Geisha was haunting and beautiful. I lifted my arms and let my body move gracefully to the orchestra.

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