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Titel: Untamed Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: P.C. Cast
Vom Netzwerk:
Neferet for months."
    I shook my head. "Not like this. This is something different. Something worse. And Stevie Rae feels it, too." I hesitated again, and then added, "And after whatever it was jumped me yesterday, the night has been scaring me."
    "The night?"
    "The night," I repeated.
    "Zoey, we are creatures of the night. How can the night scare you?"
    "I don't know! All I know is that it feels like there's something out there watching me. What do you feel?"
    Aphrodite sighed. "About?"
    "About the night or Neferet or whatever! Just tell me if you've noticed any new negative vibes."
    "I don't know. I haven't been thinking about vibes and such. I've been kinda busy with my own issues."
    I kept my hands busy with the chicken and fries so that they didn't reach over and strangle her. "Well, why don't you spend some time thinking about it? I mean, it is a little important." I lowered my voice, even though everyone was too busy ingesting their own grease to pay much attention to us. "You did have those visions about me being killed. Two of those visions, and at least one of them involved Neferet."
    "Yeah, and that could account for your new 'bad feeling' about her." She air-quoted around the words bad feeling . "And me telling you I saw your death can't help your creep-out factor."
    "It seems like more than that to me. Lots of stuff has happened to me the past couple months, and until recently I've never felt afraid. I mean honestly, make-me-want-to-cry afraid. I—" My words broke off when a familiar laugh made me glance up at the entrance to the dining room. And all the breath seemed to rush out of my body, just like someone had punched me in the gut.
    He was carrying a tray filled with his favorite combo meal (the Number 3, with extra-large fries), along with a tiny kids' meal. You know, one of those meals that girls get when they're on a date so they look like they don't eat much, and then they go home and snarf down the refrigerator when they're alone. The girl with him wasn't carrying anything, but she was sticking her hand in his front pocket (front! pocket!), playfully trying to cram a wad of bills into it. But he is majorly ticklish, which is why, even though he was unnaturally pale and had bruised-looking dark circles under his eyes, he was laughing like a total moron while she smiled up at him with a flirty little grin.
    "What's wrong?" Aphrodite said.
    When I just sat and stared and couldn't answer, she swiveled around in her chair to see what I was gawking at.
    "Hey, isn't that what's-his-name? Your old human boyfriend?"
    "Heath," I said, barely able to whisper the word.
    It should have been utterly impossible. We were way across the room and there's no way he could have heard me, but the moment his name left my lips, his head jerked up and his eyes instantly found me. I saw the laughter that had been on his face die. His body shuddered—actually shuddered—as if the first sight of me had caused a jolt of pain to pass through him. The girl at his side stopped playing with his pocket. She followed the direction he was looking, saw me, and her eyes got huge. Heath looked quickly from me to her, and I saw rather than heard him say, "I need to talk to her." The girl nodded solemnly, took the tray, and went to a table that was as far away from mine as she could get. Then Heath walked slowly over to me.
    "Hello, Zoey," he said in a voice so strained, he sounded like a stranger.
    "Hi," I said. My lips felt frozen and my face seemed to be getting hot and cold at the same time.
    "So you're okay? You're not hurt or anything like that?" he said with a quiet intensity that made him look a lot older than eighteen.
    "I'm fine," I managed to say.
    He blew out a big puff of air like he'd been holding his breath for days, wrenched his gaze from me, and then stared off into the distance, as if he couldn't stand to see me. Pretty soon he seemed to pull himself together and turned back to me. "Something happened the other night—," he began, but broke off and pulled his gaze from me to glance meaningfully at Aphrodite.
    "Oh, uh, Heath, this is my, uh, my friend from, from the, uh, House of Night, Aphrodite," I stammered, barely able to make my voice work.
    Heath looked from Aphrodite to me questioningly.
    When I didn't say anything, Aphrodite sighed, and with her usual sarcastic, long-suffering tone said, "What Zoey means is yes, it's okay to talk about Imprints and stuff like that in front of me." She paused, and raised her

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