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Titel: Warlord Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Elizabeth Vaughan
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guarded, and protected, Warlord." Keir scowled.
    Marcus scowled right back.
    Amyu looked nervous, her eyes darting between the two men. I waited for the inevitable. Keir huffed at Marcus. "We can eat together."
    Marcus inclined his head, and he and Amyu stepped aside to reveal a table loaded down with food. "Do so," Marcus ordered. "Quickly."
    "So much food, Marcus." I smiled even as I moved toward a stool. "Why—"
    "LITTLE HEALER!" Simus boomed from outside.
    Marcus rolled his eye, and I laughed as Simus entered the tent. "Greetings, Simus of the Hawk. Welcome to my tent." I indicated the table with a sweep of my arm. "Join us for the nooning."
    "Thank you, Warprize." Simus stepped aside. "There is another that seeks your company." Joden stepped within the tent.
    "Joden," I greeted him warmly. "Please join us."
    "Thank you, Warprize." Joden inclined his head, and we sat together at the table. The first few moments might have been awkward, but Simus would not let that happen. He started in with pleasure, and started to tell tales of his adventures in Xy after we left. We were laughing helplessly soon enough, for his tales of sparring with Lord Warren over the tables at the High Court had me holding my sides and laughing until they ached.
    Marcus hovered, and made it clear that time was wasting. Simus and Joden rose as the last of the dishes were cleared. "Come, Keir," Simus insisted. "Marcus has your gear in my tent. You will prepare there." Keir opened his mouth, but Marcus would have none of that. "Go. I will see the Warprize started, and then help you."
    Keir gave up, and we both rose together. I turned to him, and Keir took a step and took me in his arms. He kissed me hard, and I reached up to wrap my arms around his neck. It would only be for a few hours, but still. His mouth was warm and wonderful and I tried to kiss him back with the promise of tonight, our own private ceremony. He moaned and drew me closer and—
    "Enough of that now," Marcus groused. "More than enough time for that later." Laughter bubbled up within me, and we broke the kiss. Simus took the opportunity to grab Keir's arm.
    "Now, Warlord."
    Joden grabbed the other arm. "Come, Warlord."
    Together, they pulled Keir from the tent.
    Amyu was clearing the last of the dishes, and Marcus took me into my sleeping area. "Come and see, Warprize."
    I stepped within and gasped at the sight. There was a tub, a huge tub, easily large enough for me to bathe in. "Marcus! Where did you find it?"
    Marcus looked smug. "Providing for you is a task well within my skills, Warprize." I would have hugged him, but he held me off. "Wait. There is this as well." There on the bed was a dress, a dress as blue as I had ever seen. My mouth hung open at the sight. It was cut as a traditional dress of Xy, one piece that flared at the hips. I reached a trembling hand to touch it, and found that it was the same silky stuff as the red dress that I'd worn in Xy. There were slippers to match, as well as a few ribbons of the same color.
    "For your hair," Marcus explained. "The color matches your eyes." I reached out, and held it up. The skirt was long, with enough fabric that riding would not be a problem. It had lacings that ran up the back from the base of what I hoped would be my spine. It would fit, but there'd be no wearing underthings with it. Still, it was beautiful. I held it in front of me and smoothed the fabric down. "Marcus," I whispered, my eyes brimming.
    "None of that now." Marcus scolded. "Amyu will bring hot water, and help with whatever you need. You have your soap, yes?"
    I nodded, unable to speak.
    He frowned for just a moment. "You should have a belt, for a dagger. Or wear the spring knife. Death comes in an instant."
    "No. Marcus." I shook my head, still holding the dress. "I come as a healer, not a warrior."
    "As you say, Warprize. Very well, then. I will see to Hisself." Marcus moved to leave but I put out a hand. He paused, and looked back at me. Amyu entered the area with drying cloths in hand.
    "Will you be there, Marcus?" I asked. "For the ceremony?" Amyu's eyes went wide.
    Marcus gave me a nod. "I will watch, Warprize. From the shadows." I grimaced. "That is not right."
    "But he is afflicted!" Amyu blurted out.
    "Amyu!" I scolded. She looked at me in astonishment. "That is not—" Marcus held up a hand. "Child, Herself holds a very different view of the world. Be careful, or she will open your eyes, eh?" He pointed at me. "Do not think to change

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