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Titel: Warlord Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Elizabeth Vaughan
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ear. "So do I claim my Warlord." His eyes widened in surprise for an instant, just as I closed my fingers around him. But then he closed his eyes, lost in the pleasure of my touch. I taunted and teased, using my hand to take him to the brink, and then backed off, and watched as he writhed, powerless against me.
    His eyes snapped open, clouded with his heat. "Lara," he croaked, gasping for breath. "Lara, I—"
    "Surrender to me, my Warlord," was my command.
    That was enough. Keir's eyes closed, his body convulsed, and his pleasure was mine. He melted down into the bed, a pool of boneless muscle.
    I kissed his face as he relaxed into sleep, cleaned us both, then pulled the bedding up around us. I carefully put my head on his shoulder and nestled in close to his warmth, and breathed a prayer of gratitude to the Goddess.
    I fell asleep, well pleased with my choice of Warlord.
    Much, much later, I awoke to the feel of a hand stroking my hair.
    I sighed in delight and opened my eyes to see Keir's face close to mine. He kissed me softly, his hands moving to cover my breasts.
    I whispered encouragement as his hands explored my skin. Keir's touch trailed fire over my body, until his hand played wide over my lower belly. There he paused for a moment, and looked at me with a question on his face. "You've quickened?"
    I smiled. "I'm not sure yet, but my courses are late.''
    He smiled, his eyes crinkling in the corners, proud and pleased. He kissed me again, a gentle brushing of lips over mine.
    "Keir," I sighed into his mouth, and shifted to open myself to him. He needed no further encouragement, sliding into my depths slowly, filling me. We groaned together as our bodies merged. We paused for only long enough to kiss, then started a slow dance beneath the bedding.
    Keir's hands continued to move over my body, and I explored his as well. Warm skin, soft from the heat of the bed, glided under my fingers.
    Keir twisted then, moving so that I was on top. The move drove him deeper within me, and I arched my back at the feeling.
    Then he stilled.
    Dazed, I opened my eyes to look down at him. He looked back at me with those glittering blue eyes. My hair fell about us, creating our own private world.
    "Claim me again, my Warprize," was all he said.
    Challenged, I ground my hips down, and his eyes went wide for the second time that night. "Don't think I won't, my Warlord."
    And so I did.
    I awoke again, to the sounds of the Heart beating around us.
    I was on my back, Keir's head on my chest. His arms were around me, his leg over both of mine. The covers were warm and I was so very comfortable I didn't want to move. But the tent smelled of breakfast, or the nooning, and I was hungry. If I didn't wake Keir, the noises in my stomach would. I reached out to stroke his hair, thick and black. If I could get him to shift a bit, I could slide out of the bed without waking him.
    Keir lifted his head, and smiled. "I was listening to your heart beat." I smiled back at him. "Wasn't last night proof enough?"
    He shifted then, and kissed me, his mouth firm and gently on mine. I lost myself in him, responding to his desire as the kiss grew warmer and wetter, making my own demands.
    Breathless, we broke it off. Keir chuckled, and leaned back against the pillows, smug. "Never enough, my Warprize."
    I arched an eyebrow. "Are you so sure I'll choose you at the ceremony? Other warlords courted me, you know."
    Keir gave a soft snort. "Ultie is a loud-mouth, overbearing—"
    "Arrogant, rude, stupid fool," I said serenely. "But Osa, on the other hand—" Keir growled.
    I laughed. "Not to mention Liam!"
    "Liam?" Surprised, Keir sat up, letting the covers fall back. The cold air spilled over me. I shivered and grabbed for the blankets. "Liam courted you?"
    "Not really," I assured him, tucking the blankets under my arms. Then I dropped my voice to a whisper.
    "He wanted to know about Marcus."
    We both looked instinctively at the tent flap, and then at each other. I leaned in closer to Keir. "Why didn't you tell me about Marcus and Liam?"
    Keir put a finger over my mouth and listened intently. Reassured, he pulled me closer. "What is there to say, Lara? It is his story, and out of privacy and respect, how could I tell it?" Keir cautioned me, "Say nothing to him, or we'll eat raw meat and weak kavage for months."
    "But what happened?"
    "I served under Liam as Second," Keir answered. "When we returned to the Heart after Marcus was injured—"
    "Warlord," Marcus

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