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Titel: Warlord
Autoren: Elizabeth Vaughan
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slightly and raised an eyebrow.
    Keir looked at me ruefully, then leaned forward just enough to whisper in my ear. "He who can praise can also mock."
    I turned back to see Joden glance at us. It seemed to me that he knew Keir's concern. The warrior-priest next to him leaned over and made some comment for Joden's ear alone. I bit my lip. Would he . . .?
    Joden drew a deep breath, and walked forward. He turned in a circle raising his right hand, palm to the sky. "May the skies hear my voice. May the people remember."
    The response rose from the crowd. "We will remember."
    Joden lowered his hand, took a deep breath, and then he laughed, a deep strong laugh, and spread his arms wide. "The sun is rising and I have slept well. The day calls to me—but my belly rumbles. What shall I have for breakfast?"
    Everyone laughed, delighted, and started to shift their positions, sitting with their legs crossed, and patting the ground next to them. Keir relaxed, and got into position as well, his smile catching my eye. "You will see."
    With that Joden started the first verse, about a root found growing by streams. The verse told us what to look for, and how to peel the bark back and scrape out the soft white insides. I laughed, for this was clearly a teaching song, but the tune was infectious and everyone joined in on the chorus. Keir started clapping, slapping his hands on his thighs, and then on the ground beside him. Everyone started following that pattern as well, slapping their thighs and lifting their hands to sway to the music. It was like dancing except no one got to their feet—instead everyone swayed to and fro, laughing and chanting. It didn't take me long to follow along.
    Joden started the next verse and sung about berries, red berries that were sweet, green ones that had to be boiled first. And a warning to avoid the white berries, for they would make the shit run down your leg!
    Joden hunched over, wrapped his arms over his lower belly, and groaned. He swayed back and forth, groaning aloud, and repeated that verse.
    The warriors laughed, and followed right along. I laughed and clapped as well, but stopped when Keir rose from his seat in the middle of the song.
    "A dance, Warlord?" Keekai smiled at him.
    "A dance, Elder." Keir looked at me with his eyes half closed. He reached out and stroked my cheek.
    "For my Warprize."
    I smiled at him, but Keekai grunted. "Afterwards, you will teach me chess." Keir turned his head so only I could see, and rolled his eyes. But then he looked at me with eyes that burned, even as he answered her. "After I dance, Elder."
    I blushed, and looked away, biting my lip. He chuckled, low and deep, and I watched as he left the platform and disappeared into the crowd.



Chapter 5



    The warriors stamped their feet and raised their voices, demanding more from Joden. So he sang two more songs after the breakfast song. One was a rousing song about a troublemaker named Uppor, and how he stole something from each element to create horses for the Plains. The crowd loved it, especially the part where they all joined in the chorus.
    The last was about traveling at night, under a full moon and a sky full of stars. Joden's voice soared above us, making my eyes travel up to see the stars that were spread out over our heads. The song seemed to hold us all spellbound. It took my breath away.
    I wasn't the only one. There was a profound silence when Joden's last note quivered in the air. He bowed and walked back into the crowd, with Keekai's grateful thanks. Neither song had been about Keir, so I'd relaxed, grateful to my friend for staying neutral. Whatever his doubts about Keir's plans to unite our peoples, I couldn't see Joden being unfair or cruel.
    "Ah! The battle dance!" Keekai gestured and I followed her arm to see a group of warriors taking the field, with wooden swords and shields in hand.
    Keekai turned slightly. "Your pattern, Marcus?"
    Marcus said nothing, but he came to stand behind me, cloaked as always, his arms crossed over his chest. I looked at him, and he gave me a slight smile from the depths of his cloak. With a nod, he turned my attention back to the dancing field.
    Two groups of warriors faced each other, lined up on either side. Keir stood before the one group, dressed in his black leathers, but without his cloak. Yers faced him from across the field. Both held a wooden sword and shield, as did each of the warriors behind them.
    Keir raised his arms.
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