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Titel: Warlord
Autoren: Elizabeth Vaughan
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trust to go with you. It is not required, and no, you cannot ask for me."
    I closed my mouth with a snap.
    Keir tugged the curl. "Either Rafe or Prest would be rewarded that way, for it is an honor to conduct the Warprize to the Heart." He growled slightly. "Normally, it is less than a day's journey, from the Warlord's camp to the Council tent."
    "You trust Keekai." It was a question and a reminder.
    "I do." Keir nodded. "She has great status and authority, and she will watch over you like a cat for its kits." He sighed again. "But I do not like this. I am trying to bring change to my people, Lara, and change is rarely bloodless."
    I shivered at his words, then crawled into his arms, and placed my head on his chest. "I have to tell you the truth, Keir. I'm afraid." His arms tightened around me, and I shivered in his arms. "Marcus said that I have to—"
    "Face your fear." Keir's voice was a soft whisper in my ear. "Easy to say, eh?" I nodded, and hugged him closer. His breathing hitched slightly, and I lifted my head. "Keir? Am I too heavy?"
    "No." He carded his fingers through my hair. "It's a comfort, to feel you next to me, skin to skin." I smiled, and lowered my head to his chest and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath, taking in the scents of our tent, and the spicy smell of his skin. The warmth we shared beneath the blankets was one of those quiet pleasures that I didn't really appreciate until it was to be taken from me.
    "I will tell you a truth, Lara." Keir's voice was soft. "I felt fear for the second time in my life as I lay ill. To have my body weaken that way, unable to move or aid myself." He shuddered beneath me. "I hope to never face that again. Now I know what I asked Marcus to deal with when he was injured, and I wonder that he didn't find a weapon and kill us both."
    "Second time?" I lifted my head to look into his eyes. "When was the first? Your first battle?"
    "Oh no." His voice was the barest of whispers. "I am trained for combat, my heart's fire." He shifted, moving us to our sides under the furs. "I have been angry and frustrated in battle, but not afraid. No, I swear to you that sitting beside you, terrified that every breath you drew would be your last, not knowing if you would live or die, and helpless to aid you—"
    His words broke off, his pain so clear in his voice and eyes. I kissed him then, pressed soft kisses against his lips, his eyes, and his mouth. "I'm here, Keir. Alive and well."
    "Never have the skies been so dark, never have I been so afraid." Keir pressed his forehead to mine.
    "And now I must watch you ride away with Keekai, to face the Council alone." I lifted my head away, and stroked his cheek. "It will help that she looks so much like you. Could she be your mother?"
    "The one who bore me?" Keir shrugged, and I knew he didn't see how that could be important. In Water's Fall, Atira had told me that the women of the Plains did not raise the children they bore. Keir continued. "She is of my tribe, and a strong mentor and supporter, both as thea and as tribal elder and council member. You can trust her, Lara, as you trust me."
    Bittersweet words. Keir and I had learned a hard lesson in Wellspring, about trusting in each other. Keir had said that trust could only be mended with time and deeds on both our parts. We'd sworn ourselves to each other, forever, with a new understanding of what that really meant. I lifted my hands to press them to his cheek. "Keekai said that we would travel slowly. You will come as fast as you can. A few days, Keir. That's all." I smiled at him, through my tears. "I will tell them my truths and they will know that I claim you and only you as my Warlord."
    "Lara." Keir kissed me then, with a hunger that I felt through my whole body. I surrendered to him, letting him ease his body over mine until he pressed me to the bed. My breath shuddered through my body as our passion rose between us.
    Keir broke the kiss, hovering over me, his eyes glittering. I spread my hands over his chest, and brushed his nipples with the tips of my fingers. "Make me believe that the sun will not rise, my Warlord." Keir crushed his lips to mine.
    And in his arms, throughout the night, he almost convinced me.
    Despite our efforts, morning dawned clear and cold.
    A crowd had gathered before our tent, since word of my departure had spread during the night. I stood in the cleared area, with my bodyguards around me. Keir was off to the side, with Yers and the other warleaders.
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