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Titel: Warlord Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Elizabeth Vaughan
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headed our way. I tensed, thinking it was an attack, but Amyu spoke. "Osa."
    At the head of the group was a woman warrior, with hair like flame. She rode a pure white stallion, with a lovely long mane and tail. As they drew closer, I could see that she was dressed in rich brown leathers from the tip of her toes to the top of her ... breasts. I was taken aback a bit, but I knew that the leathers were not intended as armor, since her more than ample breasts were thrust up and apart in an astounding display.
    Her skin was fair, and she had a whip tied to her belt, opposite her sword. A stunning woman. She reined up close by, and I could see that her eyes were brown, and flecked with gold. She was the loveliest woman I had ever seen.
    "Xylara, Daughter of Xy." She inclined her head in a regal manner. "I thank you for this opportunity." All the breath left my body. Goddess above, she was the Warlord Osa. Just as well that she turned then to wave off our escorts, and reached to tie bells in the mane of that lovely white horse. It gave me a chance to snap my mouth shut and recover my wits. Even my warrior-priest guards obeyed without question, melting away in the heat of her confident authority. She took no note, as if she expected to be obeyed. Her attitude reminded me so very much of Keir. That alone was enough to tell me that her power was equal to Keir's. In every way. She was a picture of perfection as she turned and smiled at me. "I am the Warlord Osa of the Fox."
    "Women can be warlords?" I blurted out. "I know they can be warriors, but—" One perfect brow rose, but Osa was polite in her answer. "Of course, Xylara." She tilted her head, and studied me with warm brown eyes. "I'd heard that your ways are far different from ours, but surely not that different."
    I opened my mouth, but words failed me. How could I explain my culture to this woman? I settled for the simplest explanation. "Woman warriors are rare in my land. Woman warleaders are rarer still." She nodded then, knotting her reins in front of her, and starting to pull off her brown gloves. I was suddenly very conscious of my tangled hair, and my clothes. A little brown bird next to a phoenix. I had to know. "Have you ever slept with Keir?" I blurted out, my face flushed in embarrassment even as the words left my lips.
    Honestly surprised, Osa gave me an elegant shrug. "No, Xylara. Once I met my obligations to the Tribe, my bedmates have all been women. Men are not to my taste." She gave me a sly glance. "Which is why I asked to court you. I'm told that you had no experience before Keir. You might find the ways of loving between women to be more to your liking."
    Goddess above.
    Just as well that I was seated on a horse. My entire body went cold, then flushed hot as the world tilted around me. And I wasn't sure if it was fear, embarrassment ... or curiosity. Goddess above.
    Osa's gentle chuckle brought me back, a gentle sound for so fierce-looking a woman. "I've shocked you. Maybe your ways are so very different from ours, yes?"
    I swallowed hard. "I—I'd not give offense."
    "I take none. And it didn't occur to me to ask for your token, so I hope I have given none." Osa shook her head, and her red curls danced in the sun. "What does it matter who sleeps with whom, as long as it is by agreement?"
    A thought occurred. "Osa, is there rape here?"
    "Rape?" I'd used the Xyian word without thinking. I explained and she grimaced in understanding. "Rare, Xylara. There are too many blades among us, and all are skilled in their use."
    "Even the theas?"
    "The theas are some of the deadliest of us all, Xylara. They guard and guide the young." She gave me a smile. "I suppose Ultie offered to show you his body and skills?" I rolled my eyes. "He dropped his trous to show me his 'weapon'!" Osa laughed, a warm, rich sound, then crinkled her nose. The gold flecks in her eyes seemed to dance.
    "And you wonder that I would choose women over men? Or you over Ultie?" I choked on my own laughter, and coughed to clear my throat. "I am promised to Keir."
    "So?" Osa gave an elegant shrug. "What of that?"
    "My people do not have sex outside of a bond," I tried to explain. Osa moved her horse closer, and she leaned in toward me. "What of that, lovely lady? You are not yet bonded. You are free to taste the pleasures of many before you commit to one." I watched mesmerized as she leaned in, her breasts moving within the leather, close enough to touch. Close enough to ... kiss. I jerked my

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