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Titel: Warlord Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Elizabeth Vaughan
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head back in surprise. Greatheart shifted under me, responding to my movements, putting a bit of distance between us. Her smile gone, Osa pulled back and watched me intently, like a phoenix might study its prey.
    I licked my lips. "Osa, I—" I had to breathe. "I can't." She shrugged again, and somehow I knew that her elegance was as natural as breathing to her. She probably killed with the same exquisite movement.
    "I was told that you had honor, Lara." Osa's smile was back. "And that your ways are strange. I take no offense."
    "Thank you," I replied, still feeling a bit unsettled.
    "So. Since I cannot court you, perhaps you would come to my tent, and we can share a meal. I wish to know more of your healing skills. I can promise to be better company than Ultie." I made a face. "That wouldn't be a challenge, Warlord."
    She laughed, and gestured for our escorts to follow us.
    After Osa, I went to the tents of the next five warlords with my escort, and made my position to each one very clear. Keir of the Cat was my chosen Warlord, and my decision was final. I was gracious, and kind, and they were polite in their acceptance of my refusal. Exhausted, I'd returned to my tent. The last of the warlords would have to wait for the next day. All I wanted was my bed.
    Only to find that the Tribe of the Snake was holding a dance near my tent, with much joy and laughter. I was too tired to watch, so I went inside, complained about the lack of a real bath to Amyu, and crawled between the blankets with a grateful sigh.
    Oddly enough, the drums were more soothing than anything else. I fell asleep with no trouble. They were still beating when I awoke with a start. There was a cloaked figure crouched by my bed. I gasped, startled half out of my wits. The figure moved, reaching out a hand. "Healer, will you come?" It took me an instant to understand. "Amyu?"
    She moved closer, pressing her fingers to my lips. "Yes. There is a need. Will you come?" I threw off the bedding and quickly dressed in the clothes she pressed into my hands. I ran my fingers through my hair, thrust my feet into my shoes, and grabbed my satchel. Amyu threw a cloak over my shoulders, and took my hand.
    It was dark in the depths of the tent. I could hear the drums of the dance, but their beat was slower, and more sensual. I yawned once, cracking my jaw as I did so, and tried to shake the sleep from my eyes. Quietly, Amyu headed for the back area, where she worked and slept. I couldn't make out the details in the dim light, but she walked up to that tent wall, and knelt, pulling it up just enough so that we could squeeze under. I paused, suddenly uncertain.
    Amyu sensed my hesitation. "Please. We need a healer."
    I nodded and knelt, pushing my satchel before me, and squirmed outside. Amyu followed, and we got to our feet together. "Your guard watches the dance."
    Mentally, I rolled my eyes. I could just imagine the kinds of 'dances' they were watching. Amyu's voice was the barest of whispers as she took my arm. "Come." We hadn't gotten five steps when a large man loomed up before us. "What's this?" he asked.
    "Prest." I spoke as I sagged in relief. He took a step closer, and I could make out Epor's warclub in its harness over his shoulder.
    Another voice came from the shadows behind us. "Warprize. This is not safe." Amyu spun, hand on her dagger, but I wasn't surprised to hear Rafe's voice.
    "Someone needs my skills," I responded.
    Amyu recovered. "You are Keir's men." I could tell she was surprised that they'd caught us.
    "We guard the Warprize," Prest said.
    "And we do not watch dances," Rafe responded firmly. "Now why do you lure the Warprize away?"
    "She is needed," Amyu whispered urgently. "For a healing." Rafe gave her the once over. "Can she be trusted?" He spoke in Xyian.
    "I don't know," I answered in the same language. "But I won't let that stop me from healing someone." Rafe looked at Prest.
    Prest shrugged.
    Rafe rolled his eyes, and let out a soft, exaggerated sigh. "You are of no help." He turned back to Amyu.
    "Show us the way."
    She gave a quick nod, and moved silently away in the darkness.
    We followed, quietly, as she took us on a path between the tents, careful to disturb no one. While the Heart never stops beating, it does sleep, and there were very few people about, and most were focused on their own tasks.
    As we walked, I moved close to Rafe. "How is Keir?" I asked, keeping my voice as soft as I could. Rafe smiled, his eyes twinkling under his

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