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Titel: Warlord Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Elizabeth Vaughan
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in admiration. "But the Warlord stood there before all of them, tall, strong, and defiant. He gave as good as he got, Lara, and never once released his temper or drew his sword. But Simus, oh, Lara, now there's a man for an argument. He'd pace back and forth, talking with his hands, smiling as if to charm the entire Council."
    Heath grew serious for a moment. "After what seemed like hours, Keir sat, and that Iften spoke. Now there is one full of piss and wind. I'd not turn my back on him. Arrogant, he was, and strutting like a rooster."
    Amyu came in, bearing bread, and meat with melted gurt. Her face was stony, and she didn't speak. I knew something was wrong, but all my attention was focused on Heath. "And?" I demanded. Heath picked up some bread, and waited for Amyu to leave the tent. "Iften ranted, Lara. I was sure at one point that Simus would pull his sword, but he didn't." Heath tore at the bread. "Lara, no one has told me the details, but I think Keir was punished by the Council. Their faces were grim as they spoke, and when Keir left the tent."
    "Punished?" I asked. "How?"
    Heath shook his head. "I do not know, Lara. They spoke so fast, and with such anger. Odd that such fierce warriors never once pulled their weapons during the council."
    "Heath, you must take care." I put my hand on his arm to make my point, and felt the muscles there.
    '"These people are fantastic warriors, and if they take offense, they attack without warning."
    "I know about tokens, and their use," Heath tried to reassure me. He turned his head and smiled, and in that moment, I realized that my childhood friend had changed. He was thinner, harder, his muscles more defined. When he looked at me, his eyes seemed filled with pain, and a determination that I'd never seen before. "It helps that I still don't know the language that well. I'm careful what I say and who I say it to, that's all."
    "Heath ..." I cleared my throat. "What aren't you telling me?" There was a long pause as he slowly chewed the gurt. I kept silent, and waited, knowing full well that eventually he'd speak. After a long moment, he raised his head and spoke. "You are not the only Xyian who lost their heart to one of the Plains."



Chapter 11



    When he and I were very, very young, Heath lost an argument with a porcupine in the castle gardens. Eln, who was the castle healer at that time, took control of the situation. He soothed Heath's tears, directed the castle staff, and dealt with Heath's pain calmly and carefully. It made a big impression on me as I watched him heal my friend, my own tears drying on my cheeks.
    But now I looked into Heath's face and saw pain that I knew was beyond my abilities as a healer. Would that the pains of the heart could be healed like the pains of the body. I knew, of course, who it had to be. "Atira."
    "Atira." Heath closed his eyes and sighed. "We started sparring when she was up and moving, at Eln's suggestion. She was so lovely, and so strong, determined to heal, to learn to read and speak Xyian. She learned our language so fast, and laughed at my attempt to learn hers. I helped her learn to read, she taught me some fighting moves, and, well. . ." He gave me a sheepish look. "One thing led to another, and..."
    I gave him a gentle smile. "You don't have to explain to me, Heath." He chuckled. "I guess not." He sighed deeply then, and looked off over my shoulder, lost in thought. The boy I'd known all my life was gone. In his place was a man.
    "Your parents?" I asked softly.
    "Mother and Father are less than pleased. I think they had plans for a placid Xyian wife and grandbabies." He used his free hand to run his fingers through his hair. "But Atira holds my heart." I smiled.
    Heath rolled his eyes. "Of course, Atira is not happy either. She wants nothing to do with 'bonding' and is displeased that I followed her. But I could do nothing else." He gave me that wry smile again. "I am of stubborn Xyian stock, and will not take 'no' for an answer."
    "Enough of my troubles, Lara." Heath drew himself up briskly, and helped himself to food. "The Warlord wants you to know that the truths are almost finished, and that the Council of Elders only have two things to do before the final debate and decision. First, they must determine what weight to give Joden's words. Then, they will hear your answers to their questions and accusations. The Warlord expects this to all come together within the next day or

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