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Titel: Warlord Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Elizabeth Vaughan
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carried me over to the bank where my clothing lay. He placed me on the grass, and stood before me, gently stroking my cheek. "There's not much time, Lara. We—"
    I threw my arm over his neck, and fell back, forcing him to cover my body with his. He groaned again, a sound filled with longing, want and need. My soul sang to hear it.
    He braced himself over me, breathing hard. "Lara."
    I looked up into those wonderful blue eyes. "Take me, my Warlord." That was enough to unleash my Cat. He growled low, and moved between my legs, and the entire world exploded. I was pressed hard into the grass, and met each thrust with an answering movement. I wrapped my arms around him, and buried my face in his neck, muffling my cries against the damp skin of his neck. And just as I could feel my body reach the heights, I bit his neck, playing with the thin skin with my teeth. He arched his back and pressed deep within, convulsing in my arms.
    "Xylara?" Amyu's voice cut though my daze.
    Keir pulled me up and forward, and we fell into the water together, the cold shocking me with awareness of the danger. I exploded up out of the depths, to find Amyu standing on the bank, her dagger drawn. My hands jerked over my breasts. "Amyu!"
    "I thought I heard something." She scanned the area closely.
    "I dropped my soap." I turned my back. "Now, if you don't mind . . ." I looked over my shoulder and made sure that she left the tent. I bent down, peering into the water that surrounded me—
    But Keir was gone.



Chapter 13



    We should have talked.
    We really should have talked.
    After I'd dried off and dressed, I'd staggered back to my tent and announced my intent to take a nap. Amyu had assumed it was because of the birthing, but the excitement and ... well... vigor of my adventure with Keir had worn me to the bone.
    I'd woken to a feeling of contentment that I hadn't felt in a long time. I stretched under the covers, and then smiled, completely relaxed and comfortable. Until I realized how stupid I'd been. I lay in my bed, staring up at the tent over my head, and cursed myself for a fool. Keir and I had needed to talk. And what did I do? I'd thrown myself into his arms like a love-starved slip of a girl. Still... a smile curled over my lips at the memory.
    Maybe Keir would find another way to talk to me. I sat up in bed, quite pleased with myself.
    "I'm awake, Amyu." I ran my fingers back through my hair, and gathered the blankets to hug them to my chest. "Is it the nooning?"
    Amyu stuck her head in, frowning slightly. "It is well past the nooning, Xylara."
    "Oh." I smiled brightly at her. "I was more tired than I realized, I guess." She gave me a doubtful look.
    I continued, refusing to allow her disapproval to spoil my sense of well-being. "Some kavage, please? I can wait until later for food."
    "The Warlord Liam of the Deer has asked to court you over the evening meal," Amyu reminded me as she left.
    I puffed out a breath of frustration and reached for my clothes. I lifted my voice as I dressed. "Is this another like Ultie? If so, I can save us all time and trouble and say 'no' now." Amyu returned with a tray. "The Warlord Liam has a very good reputation, Xylara." She set the tray down on the bed.
    I reached for a drink. "I don't like this, Amyu. The Council is hearing truths, and I'm not permitted to be there or know what is being said. That is not right."
    She paused, and then spoke. "You are of Xy. It is a matter of the Plains, to decide if you will become one of us, with the status of a warprize. These debates that the Council holds are open and free, and you being there might affect the truths of those that speak." She shrugged slightly. "You may hold some truths against the speakers, even."
    "I know what a token means."
    "Even those of the Plains sometimes hold truths against the speaker, even after the token is returned," Amyu chided me. "We are not all perfect, Xylara."
    I nodded ruefully. "Amyu, how is Eace? Can I see her?"
    Amyu's face lit up. "She does very well. Reness is watching her closely, and has promised to summon you if need be." She drew herself up, and placed a hand on her dagger hilt. "I thank you, Xylara, for the life of my friend. Eace and I were raised together, and she is dear to me. I owe you a debt." I suppressed any smile. This was no child, and she was very serious. "No." I shook my head. "No debt. I swore an oath to heal all that came to me, Amyu. Thank you for letting

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