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Titel: Warlord Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Elizabeth Vaughan
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actions. There is no time to select a new Eldest. I would ask that Nires of the Boar, Warrior of the Plains, Elder of the Tribe of the Boar, stand as Eldest for this senel. Do any oppose this?" All of the Elders stood.
    A figure moved on the lowest tier, walking down to stand next to Reness. "I thank you for the honor, Eldest Singer."
    Essa inclined his head, then turned to face Iften. "Iften of the Boar, Warrior of the Plains. The Council of the Elders names you Outcast." He drew a deep breath. "May the very air deny you breath." Iften's eyes were wild as he glanced at the condemning faces before him. Wild Winds spoke. "Iften of the Boar. The Council of the Elders names you Outcast. May the very earth collapse beneath your feet."
    Reness spoke. "Iften. The Council of the Elders names you Outcast. May the very fire scorch your skin." Nires drew himself up. "The Council names you Outcast, without Tribe, without a name, no longer of the Plains. May the very water of the land refuse to quench your thirst." Essa gestured to the guards. "Take this one out into the Plains, a half-day's ride, and leave him. Without weapons, without people, without a name. The elements will have him, to do with as they please." His captors dragged Iften up, and dragged him off. He made no sound, said nothing, but stared at Keir and me as he was taken away. I shivered, and clung to Keir.
    Somehow, Iften's silence was that much more frightening. I'd never know the truth of Gils's death. But in my heart I was sure that Iften had poisoned him.
    Essa watched until Iften was removed. He heaved a deep breath. "That done, we must turn to the issue at hand. This Council must decide whether to confirm Xylara, Daughter of Xy, as Warprize."
    "Can there be a doubt?" Simus asked.
    Wild Winds scowled. "It is not your place to say, Warrior. And sheath those weapons. The violence is over."
    Simus stiffened, then looked back over his shoulder at Keir. There was a long pause, long enough to make Wild Winds open his mouth as if to speak.
    Something wasn't right. I looked into Keir's face. He hadn't relaxed now that Iften was gone, the arms around me were taut and his eyes were wary.
    Keir gave a nod, and Simus turned back, sheathing his sword. But then Simus crossed his arms over his chest in a manner that let everyone know that he would not be moved.
    Essa spoke then, his face strained and white. "The truth of Joden of the Hawk was interrupted by events. Joden of the Hawk, do you have any more to say?"
    Joden stepped up. "I would add nothing. Whether the change Lara brings is for good or for ill, I believe her to be a true Warprize."
    "Never before has the kind of change been an issue in the confirmation," Essa agreed.
    "The dead rode with her," Joden continued. "And the herds protected her." Reness's eyes widened. She turned to Wild Winds. "The dead aided her, and still you doubt?" Wild Winds shook his head. "I do not know what to make of this." He swayed slightly.
    "Sit down before you fall down," Reness snapped. "Or is your pride so fragile?" Essa and Wild Winds both glared at her, but they each sought their stools. I lifted my head to whisper to Keir. "They're hurt."
    His eyes flickered over them, and he grunted in agreement.
    "I could—"
    "Only if they beg," was his soft response. His arms tightened around me. I relaxed against him, more than willing to be sheltered in their strength.
    "Let it be done," Reness demanded. She stood, and faced the tiers. "Let us make this decision now. No more talk. No more debate. Enough is known. Is Xylara, Daughter of Xy, to be confirmed as Warprize?"
    For a moment, no one moved. Then with a great rustle, the entire Council of Elders sat down. Essa and Wild Winds remained seated.
    "It is done," Reness said with satisfaction. She turned to look at us, her face lighting up with a rare smile.
    "Only the ceremony remains to be held, and that will take a day to prepare."
    "They should be separated until the ceremony," Wild Winds demanded. "She has not yet made her choice and he—"
    I heard Keir's blade leave the sheath as I twisted my wrist. His sword was out, in front of both of us like a shield. My blade sprang forth, and I lifted my arm so that it could be seen.
    "Never again," I spat. "You'll not separate us."
    Keir snarled, "I'll kill any that try."
    Silence filled the tent, to be broken by Simus's chuckle. "Separate them at your peril." Essa frowned. "That is not—"
    Wild Winds snorted. "Let them be. Why waste more

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