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Web Design Bibliography

Web Design Bibliography

Titel: Web Design Bibliography Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Safari Books Online Content Team
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artists and educators at the cutting edge of the narrative renaissance outline their personal modus operandi and approaches to sequential image-making.
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    The Visual Dictionary of Illustration
    By Mark Wigan
    AVA Publishing, June 2009
    ISBN: 9782940439225
    288 pages, $19.95

    This book is a comprehensive guide to the numerous terms associated with, and used within, the field of illustration. The book has been designed for art students, as well as aspiring and professional illustrators and all those interested in this constantly evolving discipline. Over 250 terms are explained in detail, providing the reader with compact definitions, supplemented by compelling and exciting illustrations that offer a clear guide to the many and various illustrative styles and techniques in use today.
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    The Fundamentals of Illustration
    By Lawrence Zeegen, Crush Design
    AVA Publishing, September 2005
    ISBN: 9782940439935
    176 pages, $30.50

    This book introduces students to the theory and practice of illustration. It takes readers through each stage of the creative process; from interpreting the brief and generating ideas to design and production, as well as basic communication theory and creative strategies. After a decade of catching up with technology, modern illustration is digitally literate and full of stylistic attitude. Today’s illustrators work across a broad range of traditional skills and software and are much in demand. The book explains best working practices appropriate to all industry sectors, including how to market and promote work effectively. It includes a useful section on copyright and the legalities of selling work and is lavishly illustrated with some of the best work from contemporary illustration.
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    Basics Illustration 03: Text and Image
    By Mark Wigan
    AVA Publishing, June 2008
    ISBN: 9782940373505
    176 pages, $29.95

    This book explores the interpretation of words into pictures and the interplay of text and images as two forms of visual representation. The book features a wide range of work demonstrating diverse visual languages, ideas, techniques and skills. It also examines the production of artefacts, for example, artists’ books, graphic novels, posters and handmade typography, stencils, graffiti, and fonts designed by illustrators. This book looks at how to manipulate text as though it were an image and how to interpret and use the elements together. Basic principles of graphic communication are introduced through case studies and examples in which the relationships between illustration and other creative disciplines are analysed and explored.
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    Basics Illustration 04: Global Contexts
    By Mark Wigan
    AVA Publishing, October 2009
    ISBN: 9782940439362
    184 pages, $29.95

    Comprehensive and inspiring, this book is packed with insightful and thought-provoking commentary. It introduces the concept of illustration as a form of language and visual communication, conveying ideas, messages and emotions for cultural consumption. It looks at the illustrator as the inventor of imaginary worlds from folklore, legends and myths to the immersive virtual worlds of the Internet, such as Second Life.
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    Basics Design 04: Image
    By Gavin Ambrose, Paul Harris
    AVA Publishing, September 2005
    ISBN: 9782940439102
    176 pages, $27.50

    This book examines the use of images as a fundamental component of graphic design. It discusses two basic issues: what images mean and how we can create them. Images can, quite literally, paint a thousand words. But understanding what they mean, when to use them and how to control them is becoming ever more crucial. A primer in basic semiotics, this book will unravel the often-complicated terminology associated with image reading. On a practical level, this volume will introduce some of the many ways in which images are created; from reportage photography to illustration, computer generation to iconography and computer and print manipulation.
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    Visible Signs (second edition)
    By David Crow
    AVA Publishing, October 2010
    ISBN: 9782940439805
    192 pages, $42.00

    Basic semiotic theories are taught in most art schools as part of a contextual studies program, but

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