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White Space Season 1

White Space Season 1

Titel: White Space Season 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Platt + Wright
Vom Netzwerk:
She sounds rather upset, and insists that you must speak to her. She said it’s either on the phone now or a few minutes from now in person.”
    Jon sighed. “Of course, Lydia,” he said. “And thank you.”
    Jon used the pregnant silence to shove a piece of French toast in his mouth, quickly chew, then swallow, just as Cassidy tore onto the line.
    “What the fuck, asshole?”
    “Good morning to you, too, Cass.” Jon sank into the chair and stared off the balcony and out at the sea. He was already exhausted, four accusatory words into the conversation.
    “Don’t bullshit me, dickface, what the fuck did you do with Emma?”
    Jon sat straight up in his chair, then launched to his feet. “What the hell are you talking about?”
    Maybe 30 seconds of silence, then, “Emma’s missing.”
    Jon said, “Are you sh… sh… sure?” Not knowing what to say turned his words to a stutter.
    “Of course I’m sure. You think I wanted to call you?”
    A pause, then, “I saw the way you were looking at Emma. You know, don’t you?”
    Jon felt suddenly wobbly, as though the hard concrete of his world was getting wet beneath his feet. He choked, then said, “She’s mine, isn’t she? Why didn’t anyone tell me?”
    Cassidy sounded surprised. “Wow, you really didn’t know?”
    Jon said, “I thought Sarah left me because I slept with that model.”
    Cassidy snorted. “She was madder than a fucking hatter about that, but that’s not why she left.”
    “Then why?” Then, through gritted teeth he asked, “Did my family have something to do with her leaving me?”
    “Don’t ask questions you don’t want answers to,” Cassidy said. “Do you think they took Emma?”
    “So they do know?”
    “Like I said, don’t ask questions,” Cassidy said. Then she added, “I can’t talk about it, Jon. But yes, they knew.”
    Jon wanted to scream. Wanted to punch something. Wanted to drive to the house and beat Warren to within an inch of his life until he spilled everything he knew, everything he had to do with this being kept from him.
    “Jesus,” Jon said.
    “Do you think they’d take her?” Cassidy asked again.
    “The Conways might do a lot of evil shit, but no, they wouldn’t do that. They wouldn’t have any reason. Would they?”
    ‘I don’t fucking know!” Cassidy whined. “I don’t know why they do half the shit they do. All I know is that Emma is missing. You’re back. And I sure as hell don’t believe in coincidences.”
    “I swear to God I had nothing to do with this,” Jon said. “I wasn’t even sure Emma was mine until about two minutes ago.”
    “You swear?” Cassidy asked, now sobbing on the other end.
    “I swear,” Jon said calmly. “Have you called the police yet?”
    “No, Vivian told me to call you first.”
    Jon shook his head at the stupidity of that advice. “Listen, Cassidy, call the police right now. I’ll call Warren and see if he knows anything. Then I’ll make some more calls. We will find her, Sarah.”
    A long pause, and then Cassidy said, “You called me Sarah.”
    “Sorry,” Jon said.
    “It’s okay,” Cassidy said. “I can’t stop thinking about her, either. I’m gonna call the police now.”
    “I’ll get back to you in 10 minutes one way or another,” Jon said. “And I swear, I’m not leaving this island until we find her.”
    After a long pause, Cassidy said, “Okay,” then with audible pain, as though having a tooth pulled, she added, “thank you” before hanging up.
    Jon scrolled through his contacts for his brother’s number, and for the first time in his life didn’t smile as he pressed the name marked, “Asshole”
    The phone rang twice, then Warren said, “Oh wow, a celebrity calling me before 8:00 in the morning. To what do I owe the honor?”
    “I’m not in the mood, Warren,” Jon said. “Where is my daughter?”
    “Your daughter?” Warren said. He couldn’t even make his disbelief sound believable.
    “Don’t you dare pretend not to know,” Jon growled. “You lie to me right now, I will spend a fucking lifetime making sure you regret it.”
    Jon could have mentioned any bits of the Conway’s dirty laundry, but went with the light touch, instead, allowing Warren’s fears do most of the intimidation.
    Warren pissed off Jon further by laughing again. “You get a script writer to write that for you? And this early? Great delivery, Jon. Should’ve put that kind of emotion in your last movie. Now, you want to

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