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A Darkness More Than Night

Titel: A Darkness More Than Night Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Michael Connelly
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on the coffee table and held up the detail of the man embracing the owl.
    “This kind of says it all about him. Man’s embracing of evil – the devil owl, to use Mr. Riddell’s description – leads to the inevitable destiny of hell. Here’s the whole painting.”
    He went back to the file and brought to her the full copy of The Garden of Earthly Delights. He watched her eyes as she studied the images. He saw repulsion as well as fascination. He pointed out the four owls he had found in the painting, including the detail he had already shown her.
    She suddenly pulled the sheet aside and looked at him.
    “Wait a minute. I know I’ve seen this before. In a book or maybe an art class I took at CSUN. But I never heard of this Van Aiken, I don’t think. He painted this?”
    McCaleb nodded.
    “The Garden of Earthly Delights. Van Aiken painted it but you never heard of him because he wasn’t known by his real name. He used the Latin version of Jerome and took the name of his hometown for a last name. He was known as Hieronymus Bosch.”
    She just looked at him for a long moment as it all clicked together, the images he had shown her, the names on the printout, her knowledge of the Edward Gunn case.
    “Bosch,” she said, almost as an expulsion of breath. “Is Hieronymus…?”
    She didn’t finish. McCaleb nodded.
    “Yeah, that’s Harry’s real name.”


    They were both pacing in the salon now, heads down but careful not to collide. Talking in sprints, a bad but fast-moving jazz in their blood.
    “This is too far out there, McCaleb. Do you know what you are saying?”
    “I know exactly what I’m saying. And don’t think that I didn’t think long and hard about it before I said it. I consider him to be a friend, Jaye. There was… I don’t know, at one time I thought we were a lot alike. But look at this stuff, look at the connections, the parallels. It fits. It all fits.”
    He stopped and looked at her. She kept pacing.
    “He’s a cop! A homicide cop, for God’s sake.”
    “What, are you going to tell me it’s beyond the realm because he’s a cop? This is Los Angeles – the modern Garden of Earthly Delights. With all the same temptations and demons. You don’t even have to go beyond the city limits for examples of cops crossing the line – dealing drugs, robbing banks, even murder.”
    “I know, I know. It’s just that…”
    She didn’t finish.
    “At minimum it fits well enough that you know we have to take a good hard look.”
    She stopped and looked back at him.
    “We? Forget it, Terry. I asked you to take a look at the book, not run down the leads. You’re out after this.”
    “Look, if I didn’t run some of this down you’d have nothing. This owl would still be sitting on top of that guy Rohrshak’s other building.”
    “I’ll give you that. And thank you very much. But you’re a civilian. You’re out.”
    “I’m not walking away, Jaye. If I’m the one who puts Bosch under the glass, then I’m not walking away from it.”
    Winston sat down heavily in the chair.
    “All right, can we talk about that when and if we come to it? I’m still not sold on this.”
    “Good. I’m not either.”
    “Well, you sure made a nice show of giving me the pictures and building your case.”
    “All I am saying is that Harry Bosch is connected to this. And that cuts two ways. One, he did it. Two, he’s been set up. He’s been a cop a long time.”
    “Twenty-five, thirty years. The list of people he’s put in the penitentiary has got to be a yard long. And the ones who have been in and out is probably half the list. It’ll take a fucking year to run all of them down.”
    McCaleb nodded.
    “And don’t think he didn’t know that.”
    She looked up sharply at him. He started pacing again, his head down. After too long a silence he glanced up and saw her staring at him.
    “You really like Bosch for this, don’t you? You know something else.”
    “No, I don’t. I am trying to stay open. All avenues of possibility need to be pursued.”
    “Bullshit, you’re driving down one avenue.”
    McCaleb didn’t answer. He felt enough guilt about it without Winston having to apply more.
    “Okay,” she said. “Then why don’t you step it out for me? And don’t worry, I’m not going to hold it against you when you end up wrong.”
    He stopped and looked at her.
    “Come on, step it out for me.”
    McCaleb shook his head.
    “I’m not all the way there yet. All I know

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