A Game of Thrones 4-Book Bundle
wed to Janyce Hunter,
âEdwynâs daughter, WALDA, a girl of eight,
âRymanâs son, WALDER, called BLACK WALDER,
âRymanâs son, PETYR, called PETYR PIMPLE,
âm. Mylenda Caron,
âPetyrâs daughter, PERRA, a girl of five,
âm. {Jeyne Lydden, died in a fall from a horse},
âStevronâs son, AEGON, a halfwit called JINGLEBELL,
âStevronâs daughter, {MAEGELLE, died in childbed}, m. Ser Dafyn Vance,
âMaegelleâs daughter, MARIANNE, a maiden,
âMaegelleâs son, WALDER VANCE, a squire,
âMaegelleâs son, PATREK VANCE,
âm. (Marsella Waynwood, died in childbed},
âStevronâs son, WALTON, m. Deana Hardyng,
âWaltonâs son, STEFFON, called THE SWEET,
âWaltonâs daughter, WALDA, called FAIR WALDA,
âWaltonâs son, BRYAN, a squire,
âSER EMMON, m. Genna of House Lannister,
âEmmonâs son, SER CLEOS, m. Jeyne Darry,
âCleosâs son, TYWIN, a squire of eleven,
âCleosâs son, WILLEM, a page at Ashemark, nine,
âEmmonâs son, SER LYONEL, m. Melesa Crakehall,
âEmmonâs son, TION, a captive at Riverrun,
âEmmonâs son, WALDER, called RED WALDER, fourteen, a squire at Casterly Rock,
âSER AENYS, m. {Tyana Wylde, died in childbed},
âAenysâs son, AEGON BLOODBORN, an outlaw,
âAenysâs son, RHAEGAR, m. Jeyne Beesbury,
âRhaegarâs son, ROBERT, a boy of thirteen,
âRhaegarâs daughter, WALDA, a girl of ten, called WHITE WALDA,
âRhaegarâs son, JONOS, a boy of eight,
âPERRIANE, m. Ser Leslyn Haigh,
âPerrianeâs son, SER HARYS HAIGH,
âHarysâs son, WALDER HAIGH, a boy of four,
âPerrianeâs son, SER DONNEL HAIGH,
âPerrianeâs son, ALYN HAIGH, a squire,
âby his second wife, {LADY CYRENNA, of House Swann}:
âSER JARED, their eldest son, m. {Alys Frey},
âJaredâs son, SER TYTOS, m. Zhoe Blanetree,
âTytosâs daughter, ZIA, a maid of fourteen,
âTytosâs son, ZACHERY, a boy of twelve, training at the Sept of Oldtown,
âJaredâs daughter, KYRA, m. Ser Garse Goodbrook,
âKyraâs son, WALDER GOODBROOK, a boy of nine,
âKyraâs daughter, JEYNE GOODBROOK, six,
âSEPTON LUCEON, in service at the Great Sept of Baelor in Kingâs Landing,
âby his third wife, {LADY AMAREI of House Crakehall}:
âSER HOSTEEN, their eldest son, m. Bellena Hawick,
âHosteenâs son, SER ARWOOD, m. Ryella Royce,
âArwoodâs daughter, RYELLA, a girl of five,
âArwoodâs twin sons, ANDROW and ALYN, three,
âLADY LYTHENE, m. Lord Lucias Vypren,
âLytheneâs daughter, ELYANA, m. Ser Jon Wylde,
âElyanaâs son, RICKARD WYLDE, four,
âLytheneâs son, SER DAMON VYPREN,
âSYMOND, m. Betharios of Braavos,
âSymondâs son, ALESANDER, a singer,
âSymondâs daughter, ALYX, a maid of seventeen,
âSymondâs son, BRADAMAR, a boy of ten, fostered on Braavos as a ward of Oro Tendyris, a merchant of that city,
âSER DANWELL, m. Wynafrei Whent,
â{many stillbirths and miscarriages},
âMERRETT, m. Mariya Darry,
âMerrettâs daughter, AMEREI, called AMI, a widow of sixteen, m. {Ser Pate of the Blue Fork},
âMerrettâs daughter, WALDA, called FAT WALDA, a wife of fifteen years, m. Lord Roose Bolton,
âMerrettâs daughter, MARISSA, a maid of thirteen,
âMerrettâs son, WALDER, called LITTLE WALDER, a boy of seven, taken captive at Winterfell while a ward of Lady Catelyn Stark,
â{SER GEREMY, drowned}, m. Carolei Waynwood,
âGeremyâs son, SANDOR, a boy of twelve, a squire to Ser Donnel Waynwood,
âGeremyâs daughter, CYNTHEA, a girl of nine, a ward of Lady Anya Waynwood,
âSER RAYMUND, m. Beony Beesbury,
âRaymundâs son, ROBERT, sixteen, in training at the Citadel in Oldtown,
âRaymundâs son, MALWYN, fifteen, apprenticed to an alchemist in Lys,
âRaymundâs twin daughters, SERRA and SARRA, maiden girls of fourteen,
âRaymundâs daughter, CERSEI, six, called LITTLE BEE,
âby his fourth wife, {LADY ALYSSA, of House Blackwood}:
âLOTHAR, their eldest son, called LAME LOTHAR, m. Leonella Lefford,
âLotharâs daughter, TYSANE, a girl of seven,
âLotharâs daughter, WALDA, a girl of
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