A Game of Thrones 4-Book Bundle
Red Wedding,
âLADY ROSLIN, of House Frey, Edmureâs bride,
âSER BRYNDEN TULLY, called THE BLACKFISH, his motherâs uncle, castellan of Riverrun,
âthe Young Wolfâs bannermen, the Lords of the North:
âROOSE BOLTON, Lord of the Dreadfort, the turncloak,
â{DOMERIC}, his trueborn son and heir, died of a bad belly,
âRAMSAY BOLTON (formerly RAMSAY SNOW), Rooseâs natural son, called THE BASTARD OF BOLTON, castellan of the Dreadfort,
âWALDER FREY and WALDER FREY, called BIG WALDER and LITTLE WALDER, Ramsayâs squires,
â{REEK}, a man-at-arms infamous for his stench, slain while posing as Ramsay,
ââARYA STARK,â Lord Rooseâs captive, a feigned girl betrothed to Ramsay,
âWALTON called STEELSHANKS, Rooseâs captain,
âBETH CASSELL, KYRA, TURNIP, PALLA, BANDY, SHYRA, PALLA, and OLD NAN, women of Winterfell held captive at the Dreadfort,
âJON UMBER, called THE GREATJON, Lord of the Last Hearth, a captive at the Twins,
â{JON}, called THE SMALLJON, the Greatjonâs eldest son and heir, slain at the Red Wedding,
âMORS called CROWFOOD, uncle to the Greatjon, castellan at the Last Hearth,
âHOTHER called WHORESBANE, uncle to the Greatjon, likewise castellan at the Last Hearth,
â{RICKARD KARSTARK}, Lord of Karhold, beheaded for treason and murder of prisoner,
â{EDDARD}, his son, slain in the Whispering Wood,
â{TORRHEN}, his son, slain in the Whispering Wood,
âHARRION, his son, a captive at Maidenpool,
âALYS, Lord Rickardâs daughter, a maid of fifteen,
âRickardâs uncle, ARNOLF, castellan of Karhold,
âGALBART GLOVER, Master of Deepwood Motte, unwed,
âROBETT GLOVER, his brother and heir,
âRobettâs wife, SYBELLE of House Locke,
âtheir children:
âGAWEN, a boy of three,
âERENA, a babe at the breast,
âGalbartâs ward, LARENCE SNOW, natural son of {Lord Halys Hornwood}, a boy of thirteen,
âHOWLAND REED, Lord of Greywater Watch, a crannogman,
âhis wife, JYANA, of the crannogmen,
âtheir children:
âMEERA, a young huntress,
âJONJEN, a boy blessed with green sight,
âWYMAN MANDERLY, Lord of White Harbor, vastly fat,
âSER WYLIS MANDERLY, his eldest son and heir, very fat, a captive at Harrenhal,
âWylisâs wife, LEONA of House Woolfield,
âWYNAFRYD, their daughter, a maid of nineteen years,
âWYLLA, their daughter, a maid of fifteen,
â{SER WENDEL MANDERLY}, his second son, slain at the Red Wedding,
âSER MARLON MANDERLY, his cousin, commander of the garrison at White Harbor,
âMAESTER THEOMORE, counselor, tutor, healer,
âMAEGE MORMONT, Lady of Bear Island,
â{DACEY}, her eldest daughter and heir, slain at the Red Wedding,
â{JEOR MORMONT}, her brother, Lord Commander of the Nightâs Watch, slain by own men,
âSER JORAH MORMONT, Lord Jeorâs son, once Lord of Bear Island in his own right, a knight condemned and exiled,
â{SER HELMAN TALLHART}, Master of Torrhenâs Square, slain at Duskendale,
â{BENFRED}, his son and heir, slain by ironmen on the Stony Shore,
âEDDARA, his daughter, captive at Torrhenâs Square,
â{LEOBALD}, his brother, killed at Winterfell,
âLeobaldâs wife, BERENA of House Hornwood, captive at Torrhenâs Square,
âtheir sons, BRANDON and BEREN, likewise captives at Torrhenâs Square,
âRODRIK RYSWELL, Lord of the Rills,
âBARBREY DUSTIN, his daughter, Lady of Barrowton, widow of {Lord Willam Dustin},
âHARWOOD STOUT, her liege man, a petty lord at Barrowton,
â{BETHANY BOLTON}, his daughter, second wife of Lord Roose Bolton, died of a fever,
âROGER RYSWELL, RICKARD RYSWELL, ROOSE RYSWELL, his quarrelsome cousins and bannermen,
â{CLEY CERWYN}, Lord of Cerwyn, killed at Winterfell,
âJONELLE, his sister, a maid of two-and-thirty,
âLYESSA FLINT, Lady of Widowâs Watch,
âONDREW LOCKE, Lord of Oldcastle, an old man,
âHUGO WULL, called BIG BUCKET, chief of his clan,
âBRANDON NORREY, called THE NORREY, chief of his clan,
âTORREN LIDDLE, called THE LIDDLE, chief of his clan.
The Stark arms show a grey direwolf racing across an ice-white field. The Stark words are
Winter Is Coming.
Lord Edmyn Tully of Riverrun was one of the
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