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A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2

A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2

Titel: A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Steven Erikson
Vom Netzwerk:
as one, hands clawing towards dropped weapons, helmed heads lifting.
    Buke stared in horror.
    'Ah, you now have guards to command, Buke. I suggest you have them position themselves at the entrance. And perhaps one to each of the four corner towers. Tireless defenders, the best kind, yes?'
    Emancipor Reese, clutching his mangy cat tight against his chest, stumbled out from the main house.
    Bauchelain and Buke watched as the old man rushed towards one of the now standing Urdomen. Reese came up to the hulking warrior, reached out and tugged frantically at the undead's chain collar and the jerkin beneath it. The old man's hand reached down beneath both layers, down, down.
    Emancipor started gibbering. He pulled his hand clear, staggered back. 'But – but—' His lined, pebbled face swung to Bauchelain. 'That . . . that man, Korbal – he has – he said – I saw! He has their hearts! He's sewn them together, a bloody, throbbing mass on the kitchen table! But—' He spun and thumped the Urdomen on the chest. 'No wound!'
    Bauchelain raised one thin eyebrow. 'Ah, well, with you and friend Buke here interfering with Korbal Broach's normal nightly activities, my colleague was forced to modify his habits, his modus operandi, if you will. Now, you see, my friends, he has no need to leave his room in order to satisfy his needs of acquisition. None the less, it should be said, please desist in your misguided efforts.' The necromancer's flat grey eyes fixed on Buke. 'And as for the priest Keruli's peculiar sorcery now residing within you, unveil it not, dear servant. We dislike company when in our Soletaken forms.'
    Buke's legs came close to giving out beneath him.
    'Emancipor,' Bauchelain murmured, 'do lend your shoulder to our guard.'
    The old man stepped close. His eyes were so wide that Buke could see white all around them. Sweat beaded his wrinkled face. 'I told you it was madness!' he hissed. 'What did Keruli do to you? Damn you, Buke—'
    'Shut up, Mancy,' Buke growled. 'You knew they were Soletaken. Yet you said nothing – but Keruli knew as well.'
    Bauchelain strode towards the main house, humming under his breath.
    Buke twisted and gripped Emancipor's tunic. 'I can follow them now! Keruli's gift. I can follow those two anywhere!'
    'They'll kill you. They'll swat you down, Buke. You Hood-damned idiot—'
    Buke managed a sickly grin. 'Hood-damned? Oh yes, Mancy, we're all that. Aren't we just. Hood-damned, aye.'
    A distant, terrible roar interrupted them, a sound that shivered through the city, swept in from all sides.
    Emancipor paled. 'The Tenescowri...'
    But Buke's attention had been drawn to the main building's square tower, to the open shutters of the top, third floor's room. Where two rooks now perched. 'Oh yes,' he muttered, baring his teeth, 'I see you. You're going after him, aren't you? That first child of the Dead Seed. Anaster. You're going after him.'
    The rooks dropped from the ledge, wings spreading, swooped low over the compound, then, with heavy, audible flaps, lifted themselves clear of the compound wall. Flying southeast.
    Buke pushed Reese away. 'I can follow them! Oh yes. Keruli's sweet gift...' My own Soletaken form, the shape of wings, the air sliding over and beneath me. Gods, the freedom! What I will. . . finds form —He felt his body veering, sweet warmth filling his limbs, the spice of his skin's breath as it assumed a cloak of feathers. His body dwindling, changing shape. Heavy bones thinning, becoming lighter.
    Keruli's sweet gift, more than he ever imagined. Flight! Away from what I was! From all that I had been! Burdens, vanishing! Oh, I can follow those two dread creatures, those winged night-mares. I can follow, and where they strain and lumber on the unseen currents in the sky, I twist, dart, race like lightning!
    Standing in the courtyard, Emancipor Reese watched through watering eyes Buke's transformation. A blurring of the man, a drawing inward, the air filling with pungent spice. He watched as the sparrowhawk that had been Buke shot upward in a cavorting climbing spiral.
    'Aye,' he muttered. 'You can fly circles around them. But, dear Buke, when they decide to swat you down, it won't be a duel on the wing. It'll be sorcery. Those plodding rooks have no need for speed, no need for agility – and those gifts will avail you nothing when the time comes. Buke ... you poor fool...'
    High above Capustan, the sparrowhawk circled. The two rooks, Bauchelain and Korbal Broach, were far

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