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A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2

A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2

Titel: A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Steven Erikson
Vom Netzwerk:
and were lifting him to follow. The squad mage did not look happy, legs flailing.
    'I thought the warrens were poisoned.'
    Quick Ben shrugged. 'Hood's hit back hard, Captain. He's cleared a space ...'
    Paran frowned, but said nothing.
    Reaching the top of the wall, Toes took charge once more, retrieving and placing each hook since it was clear that the spirits were either incapable of such precision with physical objects, or disinclined. The mage had to struggle with a couple of them to get the roped hooks from their hands. Eventually, he had all the hooks positioned. Ropes uncoiled, snaked down to the soldiers waiting below.
    The first six crossbow-equipped soldiers began climbing.
    Paran cast an anxious glance up at the row of condors surmounting the main building. None stirred. 'Thank Hood they sleep deep.'
    'Aye, building power for what's to come. Far into their chaotic warren.'
    Paran turned round and studied the dark sky to the northwest. Nothing. Then again, it wasn't likely that he'd be able to see them in any case. They'd be coming in low, just as his flight had done.
    The second six soldiers with crossbows strapped to their backs crossed the street and set hands to ropes.
    'Wizard, ready that warren ...'
    'It's ready, Captain.'
    Picker was suddenly waving madly in Paran's direction. Hissing a curse, the captain rushed to join her. The remaining squads had pulled far back from the street.
    'Captain! Lean out, sir, and check down at the gate.'
    Paran did so.
    There was activity there. The gates had opened, and out were filing, one after another, huge reptilian warriors – K'Chain Che'Malle – so that's what the damned things look like. Hood's breath. Five... ten... fifteen... still more, marching out into the city – towards the north wall.
    And Dujek's about to land in their laps . . .
    He settled back, met Picker's eyes. 'Lieutenant, we've got to divert those damned things.'
    She rubbed at her face, glanced back at the remaining squads. 'They're supposed to be pretty fast, those undead lizards, but with all these alleys and streets...' She faced Paran once more, gave a swift nod. 'We've a few sharpers in hand – we'll give 'em good reason to come after us.'
    'Just make sure you stay ahead, Lieutenant.. If you can, keep everyone together.'
    'Sir, that's not likely – we'll have to scatter, I expect, just to keep the things confused.'
    'All right, but try anyway.'
    'And you, Captain?'
    'Quick and Antsy's squad – we're headed onto the keep's roof. We'll be trying our own diversion with the rest of those condors. You've got the Bridgeburners now, Lieutenant.'
    'Aye, Captain. So, who do you figure will die first, you or us?'
    'That's too close to call.'
    She grinned. 'Half my back pay, Captain, we'll be a step behind you. Pay up at Hood's Gate.'
    'You're on, Lieutenant. Now, leave Hedge and his sappers to blowing that tower, gather up Blend and the rest of you get going.'
    'Aye, sir.'
    Paran made to move away, but Picker reached out and touched his arm.
    'Well, uh, those knives at your back? They've been turned the other way for some time. Just wanted you to know.'
    Paran glanced away. 'Thank you, Lieutenant.'
    Quick Ben had pulled together Antsy and his squad, minus Hedge and Blend. As soon as Paran joined them, the wizard nodded and said, 'Say when, Captain.'
    Paran glanced over at the compound wall. The ropes hung slack. No-one was in sight along the top. 'How long since you last saw them?'
    The wizard shrugged. 'I expect they're in position now, sir. Hedge looks about ready.'
    Paran's eyes dropped to see the team of sappers gathered in a tight, nervously shifting pack at the tower's base. 'That was fast.'
    'Hedge is lightning when he's scared witless, sir. We'd better—'
    'Yes. Open your warren.' He glanced over at Antsy. The sergeant, Detoran, Trotts and Mallet had dropped the visors on their helms. Weapons were out. Spindle crouched nearby, a sharper clutched in his right hand. 'Hold it, Quick – did you tell Spin what—'
    'Aye, sir, and he's working on it just fine.'
    Spindle managed a weak grin.
    'All right. Let's go.'
    The portal flashed open, bled darkness into the street. Paran's eyes widened. Kurald Galain. What —
    'Follow me!' Quick Ben hissed, darting into the warren.
    The squad plunged forward, was swallowed. Paran flung himself into their wake.
    The transition was almost instantaneous. The captain stumbled across slick tiles – they were on the keep's roof,

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