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A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2

A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2

Titel: A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Steven Erikson
Vom Netzwerk:
them. We must dismantle our ..." I know not that word, "and shatter each and every stone, leaving no evidence of what we had been. We must bum our ..." another word I do not know, "and leave naught but ash. We must forget our history and seek only our most ancient of legends. Legends that told of a time when we lived simply. In the forests. Hunting, culling fish from the rivers, raising horses. When our laws were those of the raider, the slayer, when all was measured by the sweep of a sword. Legends that spoke of feuds, of murders and rapes. We must return to those terrible times. To isolate our streams of blood, to weave new, smaller nets of kinship. New threads must be born of rape, for only with violence would they remain rare occurrences, and random. To cleanse our blood, we must forget all that we were, yet find what we had once been —"'
    'Down here,' Delum said, squatting. 'Lower down. I recognize words. Read here, Karsa Orlong.'
    'It's dark, Delum Thord, but I shall try. Ah, yes. These are . . . names. "I have given these new tribes names, the names given by my father for his sons." And then a list. "Baryd, Sanyd, Phalyd, Urad, Gelad, Manyd, Rathyd and Lanyd. These, then, shall be the new tribes . . ." It grows too dark to read on, Delum Thord, nor,' he added, fighting a sudden chill, 'do I desire to. These thoughts are spider-bitten. Fever-twisted into lies.'
    'Phalyd and Lanyd are—'
    Karsa straightened. 'No more, Delum Thord.'
    'The name of Icarium has lived on in our—'
    'Enough!' Karsa growled. 'There is nothing of meaning here in these words!'
    'As you say, Karsa Orlong.'
    Gnaw emerged from the gloom, where a darker fissure was now evident to the two Teblor warriors.
    Delum nodded towards it. 'The carver's body lies within.'
    'Where he no doubt crawled to die,' Karsa sneered. 'Let us return to Bairoth. The horses can be sheltered here. We shall sleep outside.'
    Both warriors turned and strode back to the cave mouth. Behind them, Gnaw stood beside the cairn a moment
longer. The sun had left the wall, filling the cave with shadows. In the darkness, the dog's eyes flickered.
    Two nights later, they sat on their horses and looked down into the valley of the Sunyd. The plan to draw Rathyd pursuers after them had failed, for the last two villages they had come across had been long abandoned. The surrounding trails had been overgrown and rains had taken the charcoal from the firepits, leaving only red-rimmed black stains in the earth.
    And now, across the entire breadth and length of the Sunyd valley, they could see no fires.
    'They have fled,' Bairoth muttered.
    'But not from us,' Delum replied, 'if the Sunyd villages prove to be the same as those Rathyd ones. This is a flight long past.'
    Bairoth grunted. 'Where, then, have they gone?'
    Shrugging, Karsa said, 'There are Sunyd valleys north of this one. A dozen or more. And some to the south as well. Perhaps there has been a schism. It matters little to us, except that we shall gather no more trophies until we reach Silver Lake.'
    Bairoth rolled his shoulders. 'Warleader, when we reach Silver Lake, will our raid be beneath the wheel or the sun? With the valley before us empty, we could camp at night. These trails are unfamiliar, forcing us to go slowly in the dark.'
    'You speak the truth, Bairoth Gild. Our raid will be in daylight. Let us make our way down to the valley floor, then, and find us a place to camp.'
    The wheel of stars had travelled a fourth of its journey by the time the Uryd warriors reached level ground and found a suitable campsite. Delum had, with the aid of the dogs, killed a half-dozen rock hares during the descent, which he now skinned and spit while Bairoth built a small fire.
    Karsa saw to the horses, then joined his two companions
at the hearth. They sat, waiting in silence for the meat to cook, the sweet smell and sizzle strangely unfamiliar after so many meals of raw food. Karsa felt a lassitude settle into his muscles, and only now realized how weary he had become.
    The hares were ready. The three warriors ate in silence.
    'Delum has spoken,' Bairoth said when they were done, 'of the words written in the cave.'
    Karsa shot Delum a glare. 'Delum Thord spoke when he should not have. Within the cave, a madman's ravings, nothing more.'
    'I have considered them,' Bairoth persisted, 'and I believe there is truth hidden within those ravings, Karsa Orlong.'
    'Pointless belief, Bairoth Gild.'
    'I think not, Warleader. The names of

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