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A Woman's Touch

A Woman's Touch

Titel: A Woman's Touch Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Jayne Ann Krentz
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the room. „I happened to be passing, and I thought I’d drop off your morning mail.“ She smiled challengingly at Kyle. „Hello, Mr. Stockbridge. I didn’t realize you were still in here. Mr. Harrison is waiting for you in your office.“
    „Thank you, Theresa,“ Kyle said dryly as he stepped away from Rebecca. „I’m sure Miss Wade appreciates your well-timed helpfulness.“ He reached out and relieved his secretary of her small burden. „Goodbye, Theresa. Tell Harrison I’ll be along in a minute.“
    „Of course. Anything else I can do for you, Miss Wade?“ she asked pointedly.
    „I think that will be all, Theresa. Everything seems to be under control now. Thanks for bringing the mail.“ Rebecca
    ’s golden eyes were warm with rueful amusement as she moved back to her desk.
    „Any time,“ Theresa murmured as she backed out of the door. She did not close it behind her.
    Kyle watched his secretary depart and shook his head in mocking disgust. „What the hell am I going to do with my staff? Discipline is falling apart around here. It was bad enough when they got the idea they could use you to handle me. Now they’re starting to act protective around you.“
    „I think it’s rather sweet,“ Rebecca said as she sat down. Her eyes were full of laughter.
    „Sweet, my foot. How am I supposed to stay in charge if my entire staff is on your side?“ As he walked toward the desk he automatically glanced down at the small stack of letters he was holding.
    The familiar name of the law firm in the upper left-hand corner of the envelope on top leaped out at him. Shock ricocheted through his whole body. His stomach clenched. Not now, he thought. It was too soon. He wasn’t ready for this. He needed a little more time. Just a few more days or weeks.
    But his luck had run out.
    „Is something wrong, Kyle?“ Rebecca reached for her mail, glancing at the top envelope.
    „No.“ The single word felt like a broken fragment of glass. Reluctantly he handed her the small stack of letters, watching with inner anguish as she fiddled with the top envelope.
    There was nothing he could do about it now. He would talk to her tonight, Kyle told himself. He would wait until they got home. Then he would pour her a glass of wine and explain everything to her. She would understand. After all, she loved him. „I’d better get back to my office before Harrison starts to wonder if I’m going to let him off the hook.“
    „Listen to him before you start chewing on him, Kyle,“ Rebecca said seriously as she glanced up from the mail. „He
    ’s one of your best men. You owe him the courtesy of listening to his explanation.“
    Kyle looked at her. „That’s good advice,“ he said finally. „Remember it when your turn comes.“ He walked out of the office without a backward glance.
    Rebecca sat staring meditatively at her empty door. She was making progress, but the truth was there were still far too many occasions when Kyle turned into the unreadable, shadowed man she had first met two months and ten days ago. He was still very much a mystery to her in some ways even while in others he seemed to welcome the warmth and light of her love.
    On the whole things had worked out better than she had thought they would. She had been uneasy with the situation right from the start, wary of getting involved not just because Kyle was her boss but because there were so many things she didn’t know about him.
    The thing she had fretted about most, namely the reaction of co-workers, had proven to be the least of her problems. As far as Rebecca could tell, everyone seemed to be watching the relationship with a fond eye, as if they had all been involved as matchmakers. There was talk, naturally, but it was amazingly devoid of maliciousness.
    Kyle was no womanizer. He had, in fact, an amazingly pristine reputation for a man in his position and with his obvious heterosexual orientation. Rebecca had learned during the past several weeks that his employees respected that. It was probably the main reason they were so fascinated now with the relationship that had bloomed right under their noses.
    Sometimes, though, in the middle of the night when she lay awake thinking about her uncertain future, Rebecca wondered if people would be so kind if the relationship exploded in her face.
    The risk was definitely present. Rebecca was ail-too aware of the fact that Kyle had never once told her he loved her. She’d convinced herself he would

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