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A Woman's Touch

A Woman's Touch

Titel: A Woman's Touch Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Jayne Ann Krentz
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surprised Rebecca just as she reached for her phone.
    „Tell Theresa she’s too late. I’m already here.“ He lounged in the doorway and shot Rick Harrison a disdainful glance. „Tell her nice try.“ Harrison sighed and leaned back in his chair with the air of a man who has just seen the jury return to the courtroom.
    „How on earth do you know it’s Theresa?“ Rebecca asked mildly as she picked up the phone. As usual, she appeared totally unalarmed by Kyle’s volatile mood.
    „Lucky guess,“ Kyle said dryly. He slapped the file against his thigh and waited.
    „Hello? Theresa? Oh, it is you. Mr. Stockbridge just walked in.“
    Rebecca’s eyes stayed on Kyle’s face as she talked. He saw her wince as realization dawned. She was obviously putting two and two together in a hurry. Kyle grinned threateningly and glanced around the room.
    Rebecca had done wonders with her small office, turning it from utilitarian to cozy. She had achieved the effect with a number of plants and a small Oriental carpet. There was a coffee machine in one corner. The leader of the coffee resistance movement set an example by brewing and serving her own.
    Kyle glared at the two half-empty cups that sat on the desk. Rebecca had obviously made coffee not only for herself, but for Harrison.
    This had been going on every Monday for three weeks? Kyle reflected. He’d been prepared to chew Harrison up one side and down the other for the mess he’d made of the Jamison deal. Now he felt more like tearing the man apart and tossing the pieces out onto the freeway.

    Harrison started to reach for his coffee cup. A glance at Kyle’s face made him stop. He looked more unhappy and resigned to his fate than ever. Kyle didn’t move from the doorway as he waited for Rebecca to get off the phone.
    „Thank you, Theresa,“ Rebecca said soothingly. „I’m sure Mr. Stockbridge will calm down once everything’s been explained to him.“
    „Don’t count on it,“ Kyle said bluntly as Rebecca replaced the receiver. He held up the file and looked at Rick Harrison. „What kind of garbage is this? How the hell did you screw up this badly? You and I went over every last penny of that offer. Jamison had agreed to everything. The deal was in the bag, Harrison.“
    „Jamison changed his mind,“ Rick said evenly as he got to his feet. „It’s a little complicated, but I can explain.“
    „You damned well will explain,“ Kyle said through gritted teeth. „You should have been camped in my office waiting to do exactly that this morning. But that's not where I find you, is it, Harrison? Instead you’re down here in Rebecca’s office trying to put together a strategy for dealing with me. Haven’t you got enough guts to face me on your own?“
    Rick’s face turned a dull red. His mouth tightened angrily. „I always meet with Becky at this time on Monday mornings. I was heading for your office next. I wanted to give you an opportunity to go over my report before we spoke.“
    „Bull. You were trying to hide behind a woman’s skirts.“
    „Kyle,“ Rebecca cut in firmly, her voice soft but her eyes snapping with annoyance, „that’s enough. You’re jumping the gun here. Rick was on his way down to your office. He just stopped off here first because we have a scheduled Monday-morning meeting.“
    Kyle’s eyebrows rose as he turned his attention back to her. He knew he was probably overreacting, but that was just too bad for everyone concerned. The flash of primitive male jealousy had taken him by surprise. The fact that there was probably no real basis for it couldn't seem important at the moment. He felt an overpowering need to make his irritation clear.
    „Don’t leap to his defense, Becky, or I’ll know for sure he was in here trying to get you to run interference for him.
    Harrison, go on down to my office and wait for me.“
    „Yes, sir.“ Rick got up and headed for the door.
    „And the next time you decide to try hiding behind a woman’s skirts,“ Kyle said very softly, „don’t pick my woman.“
    Rebecca went still behind her desk. But Rick met Kyle’s eyes in a man-to-man exchange. He nodded grimly as the full weight of his misfortune hit him. He disappeared out into the hall, closing the door behind him.
    Somewhat mollified at having successfully intimidated his subordinate, Kyle turned back to Rebecca. He wasn’t prepared for the anger glittering in her amber eyes.
    „How dare you?“ she whispered. „Kyle, that was

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