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A Woman's Touch

A Woman's Touch

Titel: A Woman's Touch Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Jayne Ann Krentz
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eventually be able to overcome whatever darkness prevented him from being able to give himself completely. She took heart from the fact that he had changed a lot in just the ten days she’d been living with him. It was true most of their intimate conversations still revolved around business, but she was working to change that.
    She could only hope that he would someday realize the full depth of his feelings for her and admit them.
    But there was always the possibility that she was deluding herself. She knew so little about him. She’d heard rumors of a broken engagement four years earlier, and someone had hesitantly mentioned that Kyle was said to have been married at one time. But Rebecca dismissed the last rumor as pure speculation.
    That was the sum total of what Rebecca knew about Kyle’s past.
    Not much.
    Rebecca sighed and picked up her mail. The envelope on top caught her eye. Few people welcomed letters from lawyers or the tax people. Warily she slit open the envelope wondering if she’d done anything recently that could get her sued. Doubtful. If Kyle’s reputation was clean, hers could only be labeled pure to the point of dull. Getting involved with Kyle Stockbridge was the most adventurous thing she’d done in her entire life.
    So why would a lawyer be trying to contact her?
    She scanned the contents of the letter and learned two things immediately. The first was that she was not being sued. The second was that she was the sole heir of a distant relative she’d never even heard of until that moment – a certain Miss Alice Cork. The law firm handling Miss Cork’s estate wished to discuss the terms of the will with Rebecca.
    Rebecca sat dazed for a moment and then leaped to her feet and dashed out of her office.
    „Hello, Theresa. Is Kyle in?“ she asked as she breezed through the reception area of Kyle’s office.
    „He is, but he’s still dining on Mr. Harrison. Care to wait?“
    Rebecca grimaced. „I guess not. I have a weak stomach and there’s no telling what that office will look like when Kyle’s through with Rick. Would you leave a message for Kyle to call me when he’s free?“
    „Sure thing.“ Theresa eyed the letter in Rebecca’s hand. „Good news?“
    Rebecca laughed. „I don’t know yet.“
    She went back down the hall, disappointed at not being able to share the excitement with Kyle. She phoned the law firm’s office and made an appointment for later that afternoon.
    „We’re so glad to have finally located you, Miss Wade,“ the firm’s secretary murmured. „Mr. Cramwell has been looking for you for nearly three months.“
    She learned very little over the phone, but she did manage to confirm that she was the right Rebecca Wade. There had been no mistake. Rebecca hung up the phone and determined to call her Aunt Beth later that evening. Aunt Beth was the family genealogist. She might know who Alice Cork was.
    Kyle did not call all morning. By lunchtime Rebecca was practically bubbling with eagerness to tell him the amazing story. She picked up her purse and went down the hall to meet him. They had been having lunch together every day for the past ten days.
    Kyle was just emerging from his office as Rebecca walked through the door. He was frowning, clearly preoccupied.
    He glanced at her as he shrugged into his jacket. „Oh, there you are, Becky. I was just going to have Theresa give you a call. We’ll have to skip lunch today. I’ve got a meeting with Jamison at his club. I’m going to try to salvage the deal.
    See you later.“
    Rebecca blinked as he strode past her. Kyle paused long enough to drop a short, hard kiss on her mouth and then he was gone. „Good luck,“ she called after him, but she doubted if he’d heard.
    She turned back to find Theresa studying her thoughtfully. Rebecca was disconcerted by the odd look in the secretary’s eyes. „Well,“ she tried to say cheerfully, „did Rick survive?“
    „Rick’s alive and well as far as I know,“ Theresa said mildly. „But I can’t quite figure out what’s wrong with the boss.“
    „Something’s wrong with Kyle?“ Rebecca was startled.
    „Beats me. All I know is that there’s no meeting scheduled with Jamison. Not unless Mr. Stockbridge set it up by mental telepathy.“
    „Oh,“ said Rebecca. She retreated to the company cafeteria and wondered if the honeymoon was over already. Of course, she reminded herself bravely, one could hardly have a honeymoon if one wasn’t married.
    At two

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