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A Woman's Touch

A Woman's Touch

Titel: A Woman's Touch Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Jayne Ann Krentz
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Pat’s gas station. Just like in the movies.“
    „Not much point.“ Kyle looked at Rebecca. „Had to find out who had inherited Harmony Valley first.“
    Jan’s eyes went to Rebecca’s face in open speculation. „Are you the one?“ she asked with eager curiosity. „We’ve all been wondering who Alice would stick with the problem of that valley. Who are you?“
    „Meet the new owner of Harmony Valley,“ Kyle said blandly. „Her name is Rebecca Wade. She’s my administrative assistant at Flaming Luck Enterprises. And,“ he added with calm possessiveness, „she’s the lady I live with.“
    Rebecca’s fingers trembled with the force of her anger. „Not any longer,“ she bit out.
    But the damage was done. Ears perked up in nearby booths. Jan was staring at her, curiosity turning to outright wonder.
    „Well, I’ll be.“ Jan grinned at Kyle. „I guess this answers the question of who’s finally gonna get Harmony Valley, huh?“
    „Don’t bet the cafe on it,“ Rebecca murmured. „I’d appreciate it if you’d put my order in, Jan. I’m getting hungry.“
    „Yes, ma’am.“ Jan was brimming with excitement as she hurried off to the kitchen. It was only too obvious she couldn’t wait to be the bearer of fresh gossip.
    „And I thought the talk would be bad at work.“ Rebecca glared at Kyle as she picked up her coffee cup.
    „Folks around here have gossiped about Stockbridges and Ballards for three generations,“ Kyle observed. „Don’t worry about it. Stockbridges and Ballards sure don’t.“
    „Easy for you to say. You’re the one who started the talk about me.“
    „People were bound to talk about you. This way they’ll at least get the facts straight.“
    „Not from you, they won’t. You just told Jan an outright lie. As of yesterday I am not living with you.“
    „Do you want to drive out to Harmony Valley right after we eat?“ Kyle asked conversationally.
    Rebecca fought her temper. She’d seen Kyle use this tactic before. When he didn’t care for the direction a conversation was taking, he simply changed it. It would be useless to try to force him to acknowledge the error of his ways.
    „There is no ‘we’ about it. I intend to drive out to the valley after lunch. Alone.“
    „I’ll take you. You’re liable to get lost if you go by yourself.“
    „Then I’ll get lost. It will be my tough luck.“
    Kyle gave her a level look. „I’ll take you out to Alice’s place, Becky.“
    She knew it was a losing battle, but something made her struggle on to the last ditch. „And if I decline your offer?“
    she inquired dryly. Kyle was always willing to let you know how big the club that he was holding over your head was.
    „I’ll follow you,“ he said simply.
    The thought of wandering around unknown roads for miles searching for the lawyer’s vague reference points while the black Porsche hovered in her rearview mirror was daunting.
    „So kind of you to go out of your way like this,“ Rebecca said scathingly.
    „My pleasure.“ Kyle paused, looking thoughtful. „Have I ever really been unkind to you, Becky? Be honest, honey.“
    „Here come our hamburgers,“ Rebecca announced. She was not above changing the direction of the conversation herself.
    Kyle told himself the Stockbridge luck might be kicking in again. About time. Rebecca was obviously not pleased about the situation, but at least she was sitting beside him in the Porsche and she wasn’t yelling at him. A man had to take what he could get in a tricky situation such as this.
    But part of him almost wished she was shouting at him. The silence was getting to him. Rebecca had been unnaturally quiet since leaving the restaurant. She seemed distant somehow, as if she were deeply involved in her own thoughts and didn’t have any intention of letting him know what those thoughts were about.
    Kyle realized he didn’t especially like the feeling of being out of contact with her. It made him realize how accustomed he had become to the vague, but pleasant sensation of being in contact with Rebecca. During the past ten days he had begun to experience the novelty of learning to communicate with a woman. Rebecca had seemed to understand him. Hell, Rebecca had loved him.
    As they approached Harmony Valley, Kyle tried to lighten the atmosphere by playing tour guide. „This is fine country,“ he said. He was aware of a familiar sense of pleasure as he pointed out the lushness of the small valley and the spectacular

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