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Again (Brandy Jeffus)

Again (Brandy Jeffus)

Titel: Again (Brandy Jeffus) Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Brandy Jeffus
Vom Netzwerk:
is sitting in her recliner watching TV, not seeming bothered at all.
    "The neighbors are going to be pissed," I reply sitting on the couch, "And I really need to go to the store. We could use some groceries."
    "This will all pass. I don't want you going out there and being attacked with nosy questions. Why don't you call Eli and see if he can't get them to move on," I shake my head. Here we go again .
    "No, I can handle a few paps by myself. I rather not call him and seem like some damsel in distress." I know I’m being stubborn, but I already feel guilty for being so weak while I was sick the previous week. Eli had taken two days off to continue taking care of us, staying at our house and sleeping on the couch. He had been at our beck and call and had already done so much. Too much for me.
    "Fine, I'll call him. You're going to have to get over your stubbornness. Y'all were friends first before having a relationship. Remember that," Mama picks up her phone and starts dialing. I just stare at her, my mouth open.
    "Hi, Eli? Yes it's Ms. Cindy….are you busy? Well I have some paparazzi in front of my house and around the neighborhood and Bonnie really needs to go grocery shopping. I don't want her being harassed….yes, yes okay that sounds great….Okay see you in a bit. Bye," she hangs up and continues to watch TV.
    "He’ll be here soon. He's going to tell them to move on or he'll arrest them. Then he said he'll take you to the store. I’m going to take a nap. A friend of mine might come over later for dinner and a movie."
    Mama stands and throws the remote beside me on the couch and with her cane ambles to her room.
    I turn the TV volume up and start flipping through channels. I stop on an entertainment show and watch as my face filled the screen.
    "Bonnie Jinks has not been reached for comment on her break up with rock star Mick Jones. Her mother was involved in a near fatal car accident and it seems Bonnie broke things off before heading to her home state of Texas to join her mother's bedside. We caught up with Mick a few days ago and he gave this comment," the show's host fades into the background as a video of Mick took up the screen. He looks normal, wearing a faded and ripped t shirt and skinny jeans.
    All of a sudden, I hear a commotion outside and peek through the blinds again. Eli is standing in the lawn in his uniform with his police car parked in the middle of the street. He’s talking to the photographers and I hear loud booing. But they’re packing up and leaving. I smile, despite myself, and settle back down on the couch.
    On the TV, Mick is in the middle of talking, "You know, I hope she comes back. It's a shame what happened to her mom and all. I don't know if she's going through a quarter life crisis or something but she knows I love her." He takes off his sunglasses and wipes away the imaginary tears he has. He is a damn good actor that’s for sure. I always told him he should dabble in acting along with his music career.
    There’s a knocking on the door and I call for Eli to come in. He opens the door smiling and closes the door quickly behind him.
    "Man those guys are like freaking piranhas! They bribed me for a picture of you. You're lucky I'm such an honest guy," Eli declares and sits down on Mama’s recliner, “They told me they would give me $200 for one shot. If it's okay with you, we should hang out until they all leave."
    I nod and continue to watch the TV. Eli gets the hint and stays quiet as the show's host comes back on the screen.
    "We have received word that Bonnie's mother is out of the hospital now and resting at home. We have been unsuccessful at getting a comment from the shy artist. Our reporter was just shooed away from her mother's residence by a local cop. This is what was said."
    Suddenly, Eli filled the screen and my jaw drops.
    "If you folks do not get off this private property, then I will be forced to arrest all of you. Ms. Jinks and her family have the right to privacy in their own home, and we do not take too kindly to this type of harassment," Eli’s southern drawl is stern and sexy as hell. The host cuts in and something else is said, but I’m not paying attention anymore.
    I look at Eli and he’s smirking. I raise my eyebrows as he laughs and exclaims, "Ha! That’s the first time I've seen myself on TV, which was pretty damn cool!"
    "You're not mad? I'm so sorry they did that, Eli."
    My apology is sincere; I really do feel bad for Eli getting

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