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An Inner Darkness Book 5 Bay City paranormal

An Inner Darkness Book 5 Bay City paranormal

Titel: An Inner Darkness Book 5 Bay City paranormal Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Ally Blue
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like a heel. He leaned against the counter, watching Bo’s face. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I’m not really mad or anything, I completely understand why you haven’t been in the mood. Hell, I haven’t either, really.” He shrugged. “I guess I’m just kind stressed out right now.” Bo’s expression softened. “I guess we both are.” Leaning forward, he kissed Sam’s chin, then his lips. “Sam, I—”
    Whatever he’d been about to say was cut short by an outraged wail from Sean. “No!
Give it here, Adrian!”
Sam looked up, startled. He hadn’t even noticed Adrian’s presence.
“Shit.” With a grimace, Bo set down the empty eggshell he still held and hurried into the living room with Sam at his heels. “Okay, what’s going on?”
    “I was watching SpongeBob, and he turned the channel.” Sean let go of the remote he’d been trying to wrestle from his brother, jumped up from the sofa and turned to Bo with pure outrage on his face. “Make him turn it back, Dad.” 138
An Inner Darkness
    Adrian rolled his eyes, the picture of preteen disdain. “SpongeBob’s stupid. I want to watch the show about giant squids on the Discovery Channel.” Spinning around, Sean aimed a murderous look at his brother. “I don’t care, I was watching SpongeBob first!”
    “Well, then you’re stupid too.”
Bo caught Sean’s arm to keep him from lunging at Adrian. “Okay, that’s enough.
Adrian, turn the channel back.”
Adrian’s eyes went wide. “But, Dad, I really wanted to watch this show.”
“You can watch it in your room.”
“The picture on that TV sucks.”
“I’m sorry, son, but your brother was already watching SpongeBob.” He glanced at Sam. “You can use the TV in our room if you’d rather.” “That picture sucks too!”
Bo let out a sigh. “Adrian. Turn the channel back and go watch your show somewhere else.”
Adrian’s mouth tightened, making him look a lot like his mother for a moment.
    “Fine.” He switched the channel, slammed the remote onto the table and shoved to his feet. “There’s your stupid cartoon, you big baby.” Sean glared at Adrian’s back as he stomped off. “Weirdo.” Adrian stopped and turned on his heel, dark eyes snapping. “Shut up !” “Make me!”
    Something shifted in the pit of Sam’s stomach. He heard Bo admonishing the boys to stop fighting, heard Sean arguing that it wasn’t his fault, but their voices were drowned out in a swell of crackling energy. Adrian’s eyes widened, clearly realizing what was about to happen, but it was too late. The energy burst like an invisible bomb. The TV
    flickered and went off. The overhead light exploded. In the sudden gloom, Sam heard the tinkle of glass hitting the wood floor. “Dad?” Sean called, his voice high and frightened. “What happened?” www.samhainpublishing.com 139
Ally Blue
    “It, um, must’ve been a power surge or something.” Glass crunched under Bo’s slippers as he crossed the room. “Sean, don’t move yet, I don’t want you to step on the broken glass and cut your feet.”
    The TV turned itself back on just as Bo switched on the lamp. The renewed light revealed glittering glass shards covering the living room floor. Most had landed on the bare wood, missing the furniture and the throw rug underneath it. Sean, still standing beside the sofa, seemed to be in the clear. With a quick look to make sure it was safe, Sean climbed back onto the sofa and curled up in the corner, hazel eyes huge.
    “Adrian?” Bo walked over to where Adrian stood stiff as a post at the entrance to the hallway, his eyes screwed shut. “Son, are you okay?” The boy didn’t answer. Moving closer, Sam saw the deep, even, in-and-out of his breathing, just a little too fast. “You’re doing your breathing,” Sam said, keeping his voice low and soothing. “That’s good. You’re doing really well.” Bo shot an agonized glance at Sam, and Sam knew Bo had already deduced that what just happened hadn’t been a power surge. “It’s over now, Adrian. It’s okay.” Kneeling carefully on the floor in front of Adrian, Bo cupped Adrian’s face in his hands.
    “Adrian. Open your eyes now, sweetheart. It’s okay.” One brown eye cracked open, then the other. Both glittered with a fear just short of panic. “I’m sorry, Dad. I didn’t mean to.”

    “I know, son.” Bo managed a smile, though Sam could tell it was forced. “It’s all right. Nothing that can’t be

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