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Angels of Darkness

Titel: Angels of Darkness Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
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gratification, but Lucas depends on her for his survival. She’d have to be mentally deficient to choose you over him.”
    Daniel shifted to Lucas. “So what does his lordship think of all this? Your snack has you buried already. Are you flattered?”
    Lucas cut into his third steak.
    â€œWhat would you do in her place? Would you mop the floors, O mighty one?”
    Lucas thought about it. “In her place I would’ve killed the two of you already. But I’m not in her place. And I’m not her. I’m not smaller and weaker than everyone around me, nor do I have a child’s life in my hands. She’s being prudent, given her situation.”
    Daniel smirked. “Never thought you’d be so agreeable at the idea of your own death.”
    â€œWe all must come to terms with it one way or another,” Lucas said.
    â€œMaybe I’ll help you on your way, then, since you’re all prepared. Seems a shame to waste the opportunity.”
    â€œThink you can?” Lucas asked with genuine interest.
    â€œCareful, Daniel,” Henry said. “That kind of talk will end with you breaking a nail or messing up your hair.”
    Daniel ignored him and glared at Lucas. “Bring it.”
    Lucas put down his fork, smiled, and shoved the table aside like it weighed nothing. Karina scrambled out of the way. Lucas’s huge hand clamped Daniel’s throat. Daniel clawed at Lucas’s forearm. The bigger man jerked him off his feet, shook him the way a dog shakes a rat, and slammed him down onto the table. Dishes flew. Trapped in a corner between the counter and the stove, Karina threw her hands in front of her face. A ceramic dish shattered next to her, spraying green beans over the counter.
    â€œNo,” Henry screamed. “Not inside! Not inside!”
    Red marks sliced Lucas’s forearms. His skin bulged as if his bones were trying to break free.
    â€œYeah!” he snarled. “Hurt me more. Is that all you got?” His hand still locked on Daniel’s throat, he pulled him up and smashed him onto the table again. “Need some more?” Daniel’s face had grown bright red. Lucas jerked him up. “Not done yet?” He drove Daniel back down.
    With a thunderous snap, the table broke in two. The two halves fell apart and Daniel crashed onto the floor, Lucas atop him, still crushing his windpipe. Daniel’s feet drummed the ground. Veins bulged on his face, his skin turning magenta. His eyes rolled back into his skull.
    â€œHere we go.” Henry sighed. “We lose all the good dishes this way.” He showed Karina the bread basket. “At least I saved the rolls. And don’t worry, I’m keeping Emily asleep.”
    Lucas released Daniel. The blond man lay unmoving. Lucas stepped over him, his eyes blazing with fury. His gaze locked on her. “Bedtime,” Lucas growled and lunged at her. An unstoppable force swept Karina off her feet and she found herself slung over Lucas’s back.
    â€œLet me go!” She struggled to pull free.
    He swung around to face Henry. “Leave the mess for when he wakes up.”
    â€œWill do.” Henry saluted him with a roll.
    Lucas headed out of the kitchen. Karina tried to grab onto the door frame, but her fingers slipped and she was carried through the darkness of the hallway to the bedroom.

    T he room swung as Lucas slapped the door closed. Karina expected him to hurl her on the bed but he lowered her to the floor. She stumbled, dizzy from being spun back and forth, and scrambled to get away. Steely fingers caught her arm. He held on to her and sniffed at the sleeve of her sweatshirt. “Green beans. You want a shower?”
    His tone was calm. She glanced at his face. All of the rage had gone out of him. He looked worn out, his fury muted to mere smoldering coals.
    â€œYes.” She hesitated. “I don’t have any clean clothes.”
    â€œThat’s a problem,” Lucas agreed. “I’m sorry about the dinner.”
    â€œThat’s okay.” His sudden calm threw her off balance. She stood still, expecting him to swing at her or maybe roar into her face.
    Lucas reached into the dresser and pulled out a white T-shirt. “That’s the best I can do for now. I’ll have something sent up from the main house in the morning.”
    She took the T-shirt. He didn’t offer her any underwear. She would be naked under

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