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Autoren: Mari Jungstedt
Vom Netzwerk:
energetic. She worked harder than any of us. Above all she was loyal, as a friend, that is.”
    “Was there anything flirtatious or provocative about her behavior?”
    Feathers hesitated for a moment before replying.
    “I wouldn’t really say that. She was lively and open—but flirtatious … no.”
    “Did you notice any change in her behavior lately?”
    “No. She was the same as always.”
    “So there wasn’t anything special that happened before she disappeared?”
    He shook his head.
    “Do you know whether she has a boyfriend here?”
    “I’m not sure, but I think so.”
    “What makes you think that?”
    Feathers gave both officers a solemn look. “Jonas and I share the room next to Martina and Eva’s. Every day after excavating, we take a bus back to Warfsholm. After working in the heat and dirt for eight or nine hours, everyone is really eager to take a shower and change clothes. But Martina would often disappear as soon as we got home.”
    “Where did she go?”
    “I have no clue.”
    “Did you see which direction she went?”
    “Yes. The bus would pull up right in front of the youth hostel and stop. Then everyone rushed out to get to the shower first. In the beginning I didn’t give a thought to the fact that Martina didn’t go inside with the rest of us. It took a few days before I noticed. She headed over to the hotel instead.”
    “Did you ever ask her where she was going?”
    “Once. She told me that she was going to buy some ice cream. There’s a kiosk next to the restaurant.”
    “Did she usually go off alone?”
    “I never saw anyone go with her.”
    “And you think that she was meeting someone?”
    “Yes, because she always came home at the same time, a couple of hours later.”
    “Did you mention this to any of the others?”
    “To my roommate, Jonas, of course. He had a better handle on what Martina did than anyone else.”
    “What do you mean by that?”
    “He was in love with her, although that’s not something that he wanted to talk about.”
    “Did anyone else know about this?”
    “Sure. It was really obvious.”
    “Were his feelings reciprocated?”
    Feathers shook his head. “No, not a chance.”
    Jacobsson decided to change tack. “Is this your first time in Sweden?”
    “Why do you ask?”
    “Why shouldn’t I ask?”
    “Er, I don’t know … It just seems so unrelated to what’s happened.”
    “How about answering the question?”
    “Well, no, I’ve actually been here before.”
    “When was that?”
    “I was here on Gotland last year, and also the year before.”
    “How did that happen?”
    “The first time, I was with a friend whose girlfriend was from here. They met when she was an exchange student in the States. I hung out with him, and we had such a good time that I wanted to come back. So when it was time for him to come back, I came along.”
    “Isn’t it awfully expensive for a student to come over here?”
    “My parents pay for it,” said Feathers, unperturbed.
    “How long have you been studying archaeology?”
    “About three years, off and on.”
    “What do you mean by ‘off and on’?”
    “I’ve dabbled in a little of everything—traveled, sailed. I compete in a lot of windsurfing contests.”
    That’s the reason for the muscles and the athletic look
, thought Jacobsson.
    “Have you made any friends here during your visits?”
    “I’ve met a lot of people, of course, but the ones you meet in the summer, at the beach or in a pub, are often from somewhere else. So I haven’t met very many people who actually live on Gotland.”
    “Can you mention any at all?”
    “Sure. A few who live in Visby.”
    Jacobsson took down their names and phone numbers.
    “How long are you planning to stay here this time?”
    “The course goes until the middle of August. After that I plan to stay a couple more weeks.”
    “Where are you going to stay?”
    “With friends in Visby.”
    “The ones you gave me the phone numbers for?”
    “Yes. I’m going to stay with Niklas Appelqvist.”
    “Did you meet Martina during your previous visit to Gotland?”
    “What were you doing on the night she disappeared?”
    “Why do you ask?”
    “It’s routine.”
    “I was drinking beer with some others in the group on the hotel porch after the concert. Martina was there, too.”
    “How long did you stay?”
    “As long as the others did, until three or four or so. After that we all went to bed. Jonas and I share a room, so we

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